Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning with the same heavy feeling on my chest. I'm dreading going to school. I dreading talking to coach. I'm dreading seeing his fave when I say I can't wrestle varsity. I'm dreading today in general.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to surprisingly see its empty. I go in and do my usual routine. Then I go back to my room and go into my closet and grab a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a white v-neck shirt, and pull my wrestling jacket out and slip it on.

Each wrestler is issued a jacket saying "Valentino High School Wrestling". It's black and the lettering is orange. We are only to wear them on days we have matches or tournaments.

I check my phone and see its 7:10 so I go to the kitchen and decide to make a bagel and eat it on the way. Just as I put my bagel in the toaster, my older brother Xavier comes in and looks at me and sighs.

"I can't blame dad for what he said last night. There is a large possibility you can get severely hurt. He's only looking out for you. But I do know you are good enough to do it. It's a shame you can't wrestle varsity today." He says coming up to bring me in a hug.

"I can do it. He doesn't believe in me." I say looking down.

"He does, he's just looking out for your safety. You know he was hesitant to let you wrestle your freshman year. Baby steps. Maybe next year?" He offers looking down at me, literally. He's 6'1 and I'm 5'1, so everyone has to look down at me.

I nod and hug him and when my bagel pops up we let go of our embrace and Xavier says bye and leaves for the front door. I grab the cream cheese and quickly put it on my bagel, and then grab my stuff and head for my car.


I walk into the band room and see Vinny at the other end of the room with his jacket on, and his hair slicked back, as per usual, but now there's orange in it. He hears the door open and sees me and a huge smile grows on his face. I can't return it as much as I'd like, so I do a half smile, and Vinny notices this and comes my way.

"What's wrong Jelly? Today's the day! Varsity baby!" He says playfully punching my arm. I look down before speaking.

"Not for me." I say sullenly.

"Why?! You've been preparing for this match all year! And even last year!" He yells to me surprised.

"My dad won't let me. He's afraid I'm going to get too hurt. He doesn't believe in me."

"That's a load of bullshit. He's seen you wrestle. And you're great! Why can't he see that now?"

"I don't know but I'm dreading to tell coach later today." I say quietly.

"I would be too man," he says pulling me in a gentle hug.


After school I find Julissa and tell her what's going on, and she and I talk about it. I know I'm only talking to her right now to stall and not talk to coach, but Julissa knew better and forced me inside the wrestling room.

I walk in with Julissa right on my heel. The wrestling room is littered with the bodies of wrestlers just lounging around waiting for the match, and then there is the select few who are slightly above weight, and are in there last desperate attempts to make it to weight, wearing multiple sweatshirts and pants and doing fast workouts. I approach the door and knock lightly and I hear Coach George's voice say to come in. I look at Julissa and she steps back indicating she's staying outside.

I push the door open and see Coach at his desk with the line-up sheet in front of him. My name in the 106 Varsity spot. Seeing that brings that feeling in my chest, but it's intensified.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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