3 am. I can't sleep, I have this feeling deep in my gut that I am being watched. I was too frightened by my thoughts to roll over and check. I'm trying desperately to sleep but cant so I'm going to just lay there. The only thing I can hear is my breathing but I am sure I'm not breathing loud enough to hear it this clear.

3:15 am. I tried holding my breath and the breathing didn't stop I can still hear it clear as day. I rolled over on my side to see if someone was there. Fear went through my body as I saw a tall figure standing beside my bed Im wondering how I can get out of this. I guess this is how it ends , I guess I'm going to die now. The figure is holding something, it looks sharp.

3:30 am. I've been watching the figure watch me it hasn't moved it's just stood there staring. I'm on the verge of screaming.

4:00 am. The figure finally moved. They went in for the kill, they were fast but not fast enough I quickly stood up and grabbed the biggest and hardest thing I could find. It was my lamp. I held the lamp close to my chest as the figure tried to swing their large knife at me again , I dodged their swing. They kept swinging at me, after the 6th or 7th I figured out they weren't giving up they came with the intent to kill. I swung my lamp at them and managed to hit their head. Their hand shot up to their head holding it in pain. I just laughed and swung at them again. They dropped their knife and fell to the ground. I grabbed their knife and pointed it at them my lamp was in my other hand. The figure stood up but before they could do anything I hit them up side the head with my lamp they fell to the ground a second time. I hit them repeatedly with the lamp. Once I was sure they weren't gonna get up I stabbed them multiple times.

5:00 am. I'm sitting on the floor crying. I called the cops, they're on their way here now. I don't know what's going to happen to me now but I'm sure it's not pretty.

5:07 am. I'm sitting in the back of a police patrol car they're taking me to the station. My thoughts are silent, finally. The police told me the figure was a 37 year old man named Jason Kingston. The ambulance came too late and Jason died from blood loss and puncture of the lungs.

6:00 am. I've been sitting in the station for a while now, I've seen people like muggers, robbers, and dealers be dragged past me by cops. They all tried resisting but failed, this just made the police hold harder and drag them faster and more violently.

6:30 am. The police officers came to take me into questioning, I think they expected me to resist but I didn't, I just walked slowly and quietly. I was content, nothing going through my mind, just silence, I was scared. I wasn't scared of being executed no, I wasn't scared of being seen as a murderer. What I was scared of is the feeling of emptiness inside me. I was scared of the fact that I didn't and couldn't feel anything. I was scared I would never feel anything ever again .

The Man Beside My BedWhere stories live. Discover now