wedding schedule

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Manik hugged nandini tightly and twirled her around...all guests started congratulating them
Man: so ladies and gentlemen i manik malhotra declare that i am gonna marry nandini murthy and all of u are invited...well the official invitation will soon reach u all with official date...thank u and enjoy the meal
So: but manik..u can't do this u know na i love u...his can u do this to me...!!!...she said like a maniac
Man: because i love nandini And no one dares to question manik malhotra... Ask from ur dad
Sonia stomped her foot and went from there
Wedding was scheduled after two weeks so everyone has decided their department to ensure a perfect and lavish wedding
Cabir was in charge of catering department... Dhruv has to look after the guests...mukti looked after dresses of all people while navya has to look after nandini make up and dress up
Wedding rituals were going to start 4 days from now so all decided to go for shopping...
Rituals will be as following:
Day1: haldi
Day2: mehandi
Day3: sangeet
Day4: wedding
Day5: reception
Day6: manan will leave for two week long honeymoon to Rio de jenerio

I will be giving one update for each function....that means there will be 6 updates + epilogue

Enjoy reading

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