So Close...

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"Mother, it's outdated and ridiculous and I cannot believe you're making me go through it!" An angry voice rang out in the opulent parlour and the young man in question threw himself down on the richly embroidered couch in the middle of the room.

"James, please. It's tradition for any Prince on his coming of age to hold a ball to pick his future bride. All the Princes in the Royal family has gone through and will go through it. Especially the heir to the throne! Finding a suitable bride and producing heirs is your job!" his mother sighed in desperation, slumped uncharacteristically in a gilded armchair beside his couch.

James took one look at his mother's tired face, close to tears and he chided himself for being such a jerk. His mother had been working very hard to organize a perfect coming of age ball for him and he knew she had to follow many tedious and outdated traditions. "Damn this ball and what it's doing to you." He got up from the overstuffed couch.

"Alright, alright Mother," he knelt in front of his mother and took her clasped hands. "I will show up at this ball but I have to tell you, I think it's highly impossible for me to pick a bride just by dancing with her. I cannot marry someone I don't love."

Queen Catherine looked at her son and smiled sadly. "It's not impossible you know. I met your Father at a ball."

"That doesn't count, Father and you knew each other before the ball. The ball was just a formality.""Well, your Father didn't know he found what he was looking for until he saw me at the ball. Maybe you will discover what you're looking for there too."

James laughed. "I highly doubt that. But I will go to the ball and meet all the eligible young ladies as tradition dictates. And if I can't find someone suitable at the ball, would you all please leave me alone?"

Queen Catherine hesitated.

James sighed. "Thought so. Well I'm just going to go out to the stables to see Thunder, maybe go for a ride. I will be back in time for the ball this evening." He got up and headed towards the door."Please James, promise me you'll try." his mother pleaded.

He did not answer as he left the room.

XXXXJames adjusted his leather riding gloves as he strode down the path to the stables. It was a bright autumn day with just a slight chill in the air, perfect for a ride through the forest.

"Lady Anna, please! Please come down. You're going to fall!" James looked up at the distressed voice carrying up the path. Ahead, at the row of old oak trees lining at the entrance to the stables, he saw a maid hovering anxiously at the foot of a particularly large gnarled tree.

"Please Lady Anna. The duchess will kill us if you hurt yourself. You have to come down, let me get a stable hand to come help you." the young maid cried out anxiously.

James reached the bottom of the tree and looked up. A young woman with fiery red hair tied in a messy braid and dressed in grubby riding breeches was wrapped around a thick branch, reaching out to a small nest nestled in the crook of the branch. "Just a little more...there! There you go little one, all safe and sound back in your home." She dusted off her hands with a satisfied smile.

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