18) The Devil

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18) The Devil

''Why the fuck aren't you letting me go back!?'' Ryan Blaze paced the room that him and the Devil were in.

''Are you questioning me, boy?'' Satan stood up to his towering height and over powered Ryan, but he didn't back down.

Satan knew that Ryan was the only incubus that would stand up to the Devil. You could say that Ryan was Satan's 'closest demon'. But they didn't share a friendship bond at all, since the Devil couldn't feel any of those emotions, and Ryan simply didn't like him.

Ryan growled loudly. Satan sat back down and slouched in his chair and scratched the arm rest.

''Now how does an incubus end up loving a human?'' Satan tapped his fingers as he looked at Ryan with a grin on his pale face.

''You don't even love her, do you? You want to possess her, dominant her...'' Satan trailed off his words, waited for Ryan to reply but he knew the answer.

''You only want her for yourself, no other man to look, touch, breath or even think about her. Now, that's selfish.'' Satan laughed loudly, and held his stomach as he began to laugh too much.

Ryan knew he was going trying to rub it in Ryan's face of his selfish ways, but he didn't care.

''What does that pussy feel like, huh? Is it tight... wet...?''

Ryan growled, it vibrated his chest and angered him of how Satan spoke about Jade.

''I'd love to fuck her, she seems like the quiet type. The quiet ones are always the freaks.''

In seconds, Ryan was in front of Satan and holding onto Satan's t-shirt with an aggressive grip.

Confidence. Satan thought.

''No one gets to touch her, no one except for me! I don't give a fuck who you are, you DON'T touch her.'' Ryan growled loudly, his possessive side creeped out.


''So you're telling me that there is nothing you can really do to help me out in this situation?'' Jade yelled out, her voice was desperate for some help.

The angelic female who stood in front of Jade looked down at the ground, she felt pity for Jade.

She had seen everything Jade had been through these couple of weeks, and seen the mental torture it must be to deal with a incubus.

The young woman knew how much trouble incubus' could be when they're determined to get what they want.

''What is the point of you being here then!? Why don't you just fuck off somewhere else and actually help someone who can be helped!'' The Angel flinched at Jade's aggressive tone and nodded her head gently.

''As you wish.''

But that's not what I wish for! Just help me! Jade thought.

Jade turned around, the saddened look on her face never disappeared even when the Angel disappeared.

Jade walked straight to the kitchen, and pulled out a wine glass. She sighed to her self, and pushed the glass away on the counter.

Instead, she grabbed the alcohol bottle that was to the side and tilted her head back. She gulped every bit of alcohol that was left in the bottle, and held her balance at the burning sensation that went down her throat.

Her body warmed up to the alcohol, and her heart raced against her chest.

It was an hour later, the sky had darkened and the lights were turned on when Jade felt the alcohol definitely started to kick in.

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