Chapter 1

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Harry's P.O.V

"I hate you! I'm leaving you forever!" My ex-girlfriend, Tessley leaves me slamming the door. I accidently told an interviewer I saw no future with her. I didn't mean it like that, she didn't... She didn't quite understand what I meant. She didn't take me back, she didn't even think about it. I've been trying to get her back ever since.

Tessley's P.O.V

"Stop, just stop Harry. If you don't see a future with me, then I don't either" He saw me on the street and decided to follow me. "Babe, please. I have fans chasing me and I'm only out here to talk to you!" He frequently looked behind him. "Harry, what do you want?!" I was about to cry, I still loved him but he didn't love me back. It was all a joke. "I want you to take me back, I want to see my little Darcy. I want to be with you every step of the way. Where is Darcy?" He looks behind him. "She's with Lou, your hairdresser"

He sighs. "No wonder Lou is mad at me. Tess I'm sorry! I want to see my daughter, I want to see you, I want us to be a family again!" I hear screams of his name for him, fans, why wasn't Paul with him anyway? He starts running away from the fans again, 5 of them stop by me. "Tessley please get back together with Harry, he's been so depressed lately, he doesn't even do following spree's anymore and he's not on instagram anymore" One of the girls says.

"He doesn't love me, it was all a joke" Was all I say before driving home to see Darcy sleeping. I wipe my eyes. "Harry again?" Lou asks, I nod. "I'll talk to him, they have a photo shoot today and I have to do their hair"

Harry's P.O.V

**Dressing Room, Lou Doing Hair**

"Harry sit still" Lou instructs. "Why doesn't Tess love me?" I look up at her, she turns off the blow dryer. "You said you didn't see a future with her"

"But that's not what I meant, she took it the wrong way. I said I see no future with her because our future was already there,it was happening, you can't see something while its happening, you can only live it. I would tell her that but 1. She never answers my calls and 2. She never gives me time to explain" I explain. "Harry thats sweet but Tess is her own person, I can't make her listen to you"

"Maybe you can tell her what I meant" She starts the blow dryer again avoiding the subject. I grab the blow dryer and shut it off. "Ok Harry! I'll do it, I'll tell her" She snatches the hair dryer and starts blow drying my hair, she didn't need to do anything else with it, it curls by itself then I just run my fingers through my hair backwards and done.

I go out to the photo shoot and they take about 5 pictures of each boy by ourself then 5 all together. I couldn't stop thinking about Tessley the whole time. "Harry. Harry, mate, you who!" Louis shouts. "What?" I focus on him. "Are you Ok?"

"No" I grab my car keys. "Harry stop, you have a call" Louis hands me a phone. "What?" I say rudely into the phone. "Hi Daddy" Darcy!

"Princess!" I shout dropping my keys. "I wish I could hug you right now and squeeze you to death"

"Daddy, walk outside photo shoot place and go to the back of it" I follow her instructions and see her, and Tessley. I drop the phone and pick up Darcy and squeeze her tight. "I've miss you sooo much!" I spin her around.

"I missed you too Daddy, Mommy wants to talk to you. Where's Uncle Louis?" She jumps down from my arms and looks around. "Right here kiddo" Louis picks her up then they both disappear.

"Tessley, I'm sorry I...." She starts crying. "Let me explain something to you Harry. You tell Lou to tell me what you meant and you know thats not what you meant! You meant what you said, and that was No, I don't see a future with her. To the interviewer!"

"Please stop yelling, Lou told the truth. I'm telling the truth, thats really what I mean. Tess why can't you believe me?" She wipes her eyes. "I brought Darcy here to see you, her father. She has been worried about you when she sees you on T.V being crushed by fans, do you know how much that hurts me Harry? I don't want to see my daughter like that."

"She's my daughter too" I growl, interrupting her. "I know that Harry, but you can't act like one because of what you did" She states. "If you just give me a damn chance maybe I could! But you don't want to do that! So don't blame that bullshit on me!" Why was I arguing with the love of my life? I shouldn't even be talking to her, or seeing my daughter. She's giving me a chance to make up for it but I'm ruining it, I just didn't notice.

"Its hard raising Darcy on my own, so I have the help of....." I interrupt, "Of who!?"

"Of Louis, of Liam, they're helping me Harry because you messed up!" They.... What... What if they have a better bond with Darcy than with me? I'm a horrible father. My eyes fill with tears blurring my vision, but my blood was boiling. Body tensing, hands balling into a fist, clenching teeth.

"I didn't mean that Tess, I'll never be able to win you back!" I shout. "Win? What happen to 'Girls are not a game, not to be played with' Harry? Now your talking about winning me?!"

"You take things too seriously! That's not what I meant and you know it! Why can't you just believe me? I love you" She walks off mumbling. "But you don't act like it" What did she mean? I know what she meant but... Did she want me to love her? Does she still... Love me? I walk back into the photo shoot place and grab one of the millions of teddies the fans give us. I give the one I grabbed to Darcy,

"Thanks Daddy! Why can't you come back home with Mommy and 2nd daddy" She hugs her teddy, and I choke. "Second daddy?" She nods. "Liam"

My blood starts boiling even more. "Stay here with Uncle... Zayn" I gesture for Zayn to come over and he does and starts talking with Darcy. "Where's Liam!?" I shout.

"Over here mate" He smiles raising his hand, sitting next to Tessley. "I need to talk to you outside" I walk outside and look behind me to see if Liam was following, he was.

"What does Darcy mean by your her second daddy?" I bark. The expression on his face turns from happy to confused. "What? No. I didn't tell her to call me that, or Louis or anybody. She calls me Uncle Liam, and Louis, Uncle Louis. I don't know why she called me that" He puts his hands up in defense, I believe him and sigh.

"I want back my Tess, I want back my Darcy I want...." Louis cuts me off by being sassy. "You want your life?"

"They are my life for your information" I reply back equally as rude. This whole thing was coming between me and the boys, it isn't good for us. For anybody in that matter.

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