Chappie 6

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Austin and me went down stairs and watched TV. Justin came inside. And I wiped my eyes and ran to the bathroom to fix my makeup. I walked out of the door after I fixed my make up.

I ran downstairs And jumped on Justin who was putting the groceries away.

"Hey precious." He said while kissing my cheek.

"Hey brother." I hugged him.

" brother? That's all I get?" He asked. "You must be punished for that." He looked over at Austin who just walked in and they both ran to me picking me up.

" Aren't I heavy?" I asked.

" nope, your perfect." Austin winked.

I laughed.

" I need to take a shower!" I said after they put me down.

they nodded.

I went upstairs and turned on the shower. I took off my clothes and got in the shower. I heard a knock on the door.

"yes?"I asked.

" I'm gonna be in your room watching TV, if you need anything just shout at me." austin said.

"alright." I laughed.

I love how protective he is over me. it's adorbs.

I started singing more than this by one direction. I stopped because someone came in. I peeked out the curtain and I saw Austin with a guitar.

"well don't stop!" he said.

he started playing the song and I started singing. when I finished I heard clapping by two people. I laughed.

Then Austin started playing Replay by Iyaz. I started singing it and grabbed my towel and dried off my body and got out.

"...someday I'm gonna make you my wife..." Austin finished me off.

I smiled and jumped on him and kissed his face so many times.

"I love you!!" I said

"I love you too!!" he said.

"more than you'll ever know"

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