The Airport

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"you sure you got everything packed", Delia asked as she tried to peep into the backpack which ash had on.

"yeah", ash replied in his usual tone and turned around towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. But mostly, to prevent his mother from ruffling through his bags.

"you sure you have clean pairs of u-", Delia started off with her usual question for whenever the boy had to travel.

"yes. I can't believe that you're still asking me that. I'm not ten anymore, i'm sixteen", ash replied.

"okay okay. Just checking that's all", Delia said letting out a sigh.

"so when's the limo coming anyway", ash asked as he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of chill water.

"well I don't know it should be he-", Delia started off once more but was interrupted by the honking sound of the limo. "oh there It is. Come on now ash. Get your bags", Delia said as she walked out the front door of the house.

"well this is it buddy. I just hope that these girls that we're going to be travelling with are not those bratty girls, girly girls or anything like that. Oh and especially not those stuck up girls. If that's what kind of people they are ill seriously knock their blocks off", ash giggled to his yellow mouse partner.

"pika pi pikachu", the Pokemon replied with a smug grin on its face. Trying to convey that ash could leave the knocking part to him.

"I knew I could always count on you", ash replied jokingly. He knew his Pokemon so well that he could even understand what they were saying. But that was just one of his many skills...

"come on", ash said and signaled for his pikachu to on hop onto his shoulder.

He grabbed all his bags and slowly advanced towards the main door of his house.

So I got pikachu, greninja, talonflame, charizard, noivern and gardevoir..... Yep I'm good to go. Ash thought to himself, stopping briefly in his tracks.

He finally exited the house, locked it, and handed over the keys to his mother. Who had been waiting for him by the limo. She opened the trunk for the boy and he effortlessly lifted up the bags that were sure to be filled up with who knows what, and placed them gently inside.

He popped into the backseat of the limo and sat on the opposite side. He liked sitting in reverse, and to look at his house as it slowly disappears into the horizon. His mom sat opposite to him and ordered the driver to head straight to the airport. The driver nodded and they slowly progressed.

It was finally the day of the tour. The whole of yesterday all ash did was organize his bags and luggage and buy whatever he needed to get. Compared to other times, it was quite difficult to pack everything he would need during a tour considering that he destroyed half his room the night before... Well lets not get into that a lot.

Ash had packed almost everything for the strangest of situations. I mean who packs a whole bag full of ketchup in case the company pikachu likes stops manufacturing it ! Well at least he's prepared...

Well he actually always is. Prepared and calm in every situation. He always knew what to do and when to do it. That's only one of the reasons why he is the number one tour guide in the whole association.

Ash's mom waved her hands In front of Ash's head to get his attention as he was listening to songs on his phone. He pulled out his headphones and raised his eyebrows at his mom, signaling her to speak.

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