Chapter 2

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Sherlock's POV
~first school day journal entry, April 14th~
Oh. My. God. This was the worst but also best day in my whole life! My parents, brother and I moved to London some weeks ago, into a big house, more like a mansion. London is a big and noisy city, but so far it seems cool to me. But my parents seriously made me go to a school there. Oh how much I hate school. I'd have preferred private lessons or none at all but my oh so intelligent parents think I should "become socialized" and talk to other people. "Make friends", they always say. What a stupid thing. I can do all things on my own and don't need anyone by my side to tell me what to do. It only irritates me. Well that is what I thought until some days go.
When I entered the classroom in my new school this morning no one looked at me, as usual. I got some strange looks from kids in the hallway but that's all. The teacher, a Lady in her early 30s, tried to be nice but she actually hated having one more student to teach from now on. I also noticed that she's in her fourth week of pregnancy. She hasn't told her fiancé yet, because she is obviously afraid of his reaction. Anyways, she asked the class for a free seat for me but no one wanted to volunteer. Still there was one free seat in the back of the room. So I had to sit there. Great start. I get to sit in the darkest corner of the room. The boy next to me had blond hair and was rather muscular. A real sports guy he seemed to me. He tried to introduce himself but I couldn't stand the change to impress him with my deduction skills. I told him some things about him which made him look very shocked or rather surprised. But in a good way. Before we could talk and introduce ourselves to each other the lesson started and everyone stood up. Dull. There is was no need to stand up for someone that is less intelligent than me, so I just sat on my chair while everyone said "Good morning". That's another thing that I don't understand. Mornings aren't even that good. The teacher gave everyone a piece of paper and made them do their work. I talked to the boy next to me in class while he did his math calculations. He said his name is John Hamish Watson and he's a year older than me. He seemed to be different than all the people in his class and school. He was actually nice to me, and he really meant it. There wasn't a thing about him that let me think he was only wearing a mask. He's also a very loyal and honest person, I could see that immediately. The hours passed by so slow and the teachers that we had were completely boring. I already know all of this stuff! When the school bell finally rang and I was about to leave John asked me if I wanted to come home with him and talk a bit. Of course I agreed, since he's been nice to me all day and I knew he wouldn't suddenly change his character. I was actually really excited to spend some time with someone like John. I felt welcome and wanted. His house is near the school, still his mother picked us up. When we arrived there, he even opened the car door for me, just like my butlers at home. It was very nice of him. We passed the living room first, all the decorations very beautiful, unlike at home where we have only a big fireplace and a long, brown, boring table. I walked straight to John's room though, which made him think I don't like his house. But all I wanted was to be alone with him and talk. I've never talked to anyone like that before. John is just different. I am repeating myself. I have to stop that now but something always brings me back to that point. Anyways, I noticed that John watched everything I did when I was walking around his room. He said nothing though. Which was very good. Usually people ask too much. But John simply waited for me to start the conversation. Then finally I told him how glad I am to have met him and not some other mean guy. He smiled at me and nodded.
"Do you want to eat something?", he asked then. I wasn't hungry so I just shook it off and smiled back at him, sitting next to him on the bed.
"I'm not very popular, John. I am...a freak", I told him. I just had to get that out. He should know what kind of person he has in front of him. John shook his head and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. A cold chill ran down my spine. No one had ever done that before!
"You are not a freak, Sherlock! People just don't know you and think you are different because...that's what you look like. But I am sure that under all of those big curls and odd clothes lies an intelligent brain and a big heart!", John said and hugged me. I was about to cry. Those were the nicest words I've ever heard. John was really a good person. We've known each other for some hours at that time but it already seemed like an eternity.
"John...that's really nice but you'll have to be very careful if you want to be my friend. Sometimes I do things that people don't understand.", I tried to explain but John shook his head again, holding me close like a real friend. It felt so good. The time passed really quick now. We talked a lot about our families and I found out that he has an older sister named Harriet. Though she wasn't at home today so I couldn't meet her. His mother was so nice to offer me to take me home. John wanted to come with us. The car ride to my house took a bit longer. I told John some other things about me, like I play the violin and love crimes. He chuckled when he heard that. He probably thought I am a murderer. My big brother Mycroft, or as I like to call him Fatcroft, was already waiting for me at the door.
"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, where the hell have you been all day?", he yelled at me but I didn't answer. He could be so annoying. I hugged John before I went past Mycroft and ran up to my room. Immediately I felt alone again. I already missed John's nice company. Now I am sitting here on my bed, alone, in my cold room and write in my journal. I am excited to see John in school tomorrow. Maybe we can do something together after school again. He could show me around the city maybe. Let's see what happens.

I'm sorry for this weird written chapter. I don't feel good and can't really concentrate. So please bear with me :/

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