Epilogue - Hirtee & Dalton (Halton)

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Hirtee POV

For many years Dalton and I have been living in Los Angeles so as he could persue his dream. But recently we decided to move in England as first there was Dalton's buddy,Marcus's wedding where I will be the bridesmaid along with Reeya and 2 other girls. I was hoping that these two other girls could be Erza and Hayfaah but No, it will never happen.

After we settled in England, 2 days later I bumped into ERZA, REEYA and HAYFAAH!!!!! Gosh I missed them so much!!! After our gathering meeting, we finally spent some time together...

On the day of Marcus's wedding, it was so fun!! We all were enjoying yourselves to the fullest and I'm still saying it, Meeting the guys and the girls was the best thing ever ❤❤❤

~~~~~ 5 years later ~~~~~

- where are you taking me?? I asked to Dalton who was dragging me somewhere but i couldn't recognise it as there was a blindfold on my eyes.

- we are also there. Now stop whining like a small kid Mrs.Whiny!! he replied chucklingly.

After walking for 10 min, we finally stopped which meant that we arrived at our destination. He unhook the blindfold to reveal me, a beautiful picnic settled near a beautiful lake. The view was exceedingly marvellous and breathtaking. He dragged me till there where we both took a seat and then he served me food as I was FAMISHED!! and the foody food was Pizza!!! Yum yum!! We both ate some slices while chatting and drinking red wine. Delicious!! ♨♨

After our meal, he asked me to removed my shoes which I did so with a confused look. But by what he did, I understood why. He picked up and then threw himself with me along in the lake with a warm water but will though!! We both swam for a while and even played in the water by splashing each other. When we got out, he got ourselves towels and rested them on us so as to dry us.

By night, as it was cold, he started a fire where we did a small barbeque. Gosh wasn't the chicken good!! B-) B-)

Afterwards we both danced and sang a little. We had a long but playful day.  Just when I was about to call it a night, he dragged me in the water and knelt in front of me. Luckily the water was by his stomach.

DR - Hirtee I've known you for 10 years now and I wanted to tell you that... You light up my world like nobody else does. Your smile is perfect which make my heart stop. You're so beautiful that I feel like the world get paralyzed by your effect on itself. So will you do the honour to be my wife??

Wow I was completely taken back right now. I wasn't in any composition to say no so..

Me - yes I will Dalton. I love you too and yes, I will!!!

His facial expression from a worried one, turned into a happy and relief one.  He spun me around while kissing me PASSIONATELY!! Guys trust me when I say that his lips are super soft.. That hmmm, I could bite it anytime!!

When we pulled away, he put down and that's when we heard loud cheers from none than other that THE GUYS AND THE GIRLS!!!

They were all clapping happily for us, making me blush and Dalton chuckle. The girls ran towards me and peeked at my ring. They were all doing aww while the boys were congratulating Dalton.

Reeya - wow it's so beautiful!! Good job Dalton!

DS - don't worry love, yours will be hundred times more beautiful...

CP - not as much will be for Erza's.

Erza - shut up Cole!!

CP - you know you like it babe!!

Thy all have been joking together, making me and Dalton laugh while he was holding my hand.

Seriously now I can say that My life has been blessed with such amazing people!! ❤❤❤

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