Chapter 9

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"Fuckyoumotherfuckingpieceofcrap." A long string of unpleasant words came out. I grunted in frustration as I continued to turn the house upside down.

"Serena, honey. Stop! What are you doing?" My mom rushed into my room and stood panting against the doorframe.

"I can't find my fricking phone!" I yelled at her.

"Well that's because your father had grounded you. You've been sneaking around for so long and with this new serum thing, he thought it best if you didn't have any contact with anyone else." I looked at her with utter disbelief.

"What?" I exclaimed. "So do you plan on keeping me in the house for the rest of my life? If so, maybe I should stock up on food and hit the bed for hibernation season." I sneered sarcastically.

"Honey, this wasn't my decision. Go take this up with your father if you want something to change." Groaning, I walked past her and hurried down the stairs to my dad's lab.

"-no, my number is no. You need to let it go. You need to let it go." My dad sang as he danced on top of his lab desk fixing one of his suits.

"Gross, dad. If you want to dance like that, maybe you should do it in private." My dad jumped off the desk and put the screwdriver down.

"Well I was in private until you decided to break into my humble abode." He looked at my expression. "What's got my daughter's pants in a twist? Your mom's told me that you've been giving her hell."

"Pepper isn't the only one who's received hell from Serena." Jarvis piped up.

"Shut up." I told Jarvis.

"Hey, no one tells my best friend to shut up." My dad jokes as he places a shoulder piece into the half fixed suit.

"It's nice to know that you have electronic friends. But I have real friends." I spoke.

"Ouch." Dad and Jarvis replied in unison.

"And I'd like to see them. So, if you don't mind me, I'd like to have my phone back." I stuck my hand out in hope that he would place it onto my palm.

"Nice try buddy. But it's currently under lock and key." I knew where he hid things he confiscated my things. Looking quickly at the drawer where he hid things, I turned back to see my father's gaze was on me as he noticed I found his hiding place.

Somersaulting over all his equipment, I dashed to the drawer but as I opened it, a metallic arm shot out and shut it close again. I turned to see where the arm had been shot from and saw my dad had just thrown it. Yanking the arm off with my strength, I opened the drawer and reached in for my phone when something metallic seized me from behind. I turned to see one of dad's suits had a hold of my elbow. Distracted by the suit, my dad closed the drawer and leaned against it preventing me access.

"Oh my god!" I screeched with infuriation. "You are unbelievable." Backing away from the suit, I grumbled all the way up and back to my room. Slamming the door hard, I paced about my room.

This wasn't me. This was an angry me. It was like I had an...oh.

Bruce warned me I would have an alter ego. Was this it?

Apparently my angry side didn't have time for thoughts as I continued to pace around the room kicking the wall every now and then.

I had been doing this for the past four hours. It was about midnight by now. When I saw the clock, a devilish smirk crept up onto my face. Leaving my room, I made my way to my parents' room. I could hear my dad's soft snoring and my mom's arm was on top of dad's heaving chest. I edged my way closer to my dad and loomed over him.
I grabbed him by the throat and his eyes opened suddenly. His body jerked in reaction to the suffocation. But the more he moved, the more provoked I was to hurt him. "Give me my fricking phone now." I snarled as his arms flailed about pathetically. Mom woke up to the sounds and screamed. She attempted to pry my hand off my dad's neck but I wouldn't budge. She begged and pleaded and called for someone. "Last chance dad. I want my phone." Suddenly, I was wrenched back and my back slammed against the wall. I blinked twice and caught my breath.

Wait. What had just happened?

I looked up to see one of my dad's suits were standing next to me so I wouldn't hurt anybody. Then the memories returned. I had hurt my dad. I had nearly killed him. "I-I.." I began to stutter as I stood up.

"Sweetheart," my father's gruff but weak voice spoke. "It was your other side. Dr Banner warned us about it. It's not your fault."

"I'm so so so sorry dad." My voice broke as tears gushed down. "I didn't mean to hurt you." I started backing away from their room, too scared to think about what I was capable of.

"Princess, where are you going?" I continued to move towards the staircase. "Serena, stop. Where are you going?" I turned and ran for the elevator. When the doors finally opened again on the ground floor, I began running.


Until I was sure I was far enough from my parents, I didn't stop. With the serum, I wasn't tired or out of breath. I just needed to get ahold of reality. I sighed and looked around me.

The road was pitch black apart from the streetlight dimly illuminating up the street. I began walking slowly, following my intuition. I didn't know where I was going until I stopped outside a house. His house.

I missed Jay so much. I wanted to tell him that I didn't kiss Ash and I didn't cheat on him.

I also wanted to cry into his chest and let out my concerns and worries.

Nostalgia filled me and I found myself right in front of the door. Gingerly knocking the door, I stepped back. Nothing happened for three minutes. As I turned to leave, I heard the door open. I spun around to see Jay in the doorway with only a towel around his waist and his hair glistening wet.

I didn't know what to say or do. I don't think he did either considering we just stared at each other's faces for a whole minute. He finally cleared his throat and broke the eye contact. "Serena, it's late. It's dangerous and you shouldn't be here."

"I don't care." My mouth began speaking without my brain's consent. "I wanted to come and tell you what happened." He sighed and moved to one side so that I could come in. I sat on one of the couches and waited for him to come down with some actual clothes on. Five minutes later, he came down and I began.

I started from how people looked at me differently due to my new appearance and how Ash took advantage of this and kissed me. I went on to telling him about the serum itself and what Bruce Banner had told me about the serum's effect on my body. I also eventually told him about how the serum gave me an alter ego which lashed out on dad earlier. Once I finished, he merely blinked and scratched the back of his neck. After two minutes of silence, he spoke.

"Wow went through so much shit and I wasn't even here. I'm sorry metal mouth. I really am." He reached out to take one of my hands into his. "But I'm not apologising to the dick who kissed you."

"And you shouldn't have to." I slid myself closer on the sofa towards him and laced my fingers with his. "You're right. He is a dick and he doesn't deserve anything good." He smiles and I see the glimmer of mischief back in his eyes again.

"Good. Now that that's settled, what are we doing now?" He asked.

"I'm exhausted. I just want to sleep." As if on cue, I yawned and rubbed one of my eyes.

"Sounds like a plan." Scooping me up in his arms, Jay spun around and I yelped and giggled as he took me up to bed.

I am honestly so sorry for the slow updates. I currently have my exams but I'll be off next week so there should be more updates. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment ((:
-Silverblxss 💕

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