Bad Habits we all do have them. They are annoying and make us cry because we unfortunately do wrong things which hurts us or our family and friends. Under Bad Habits we count smoking or drinking alcohol. Bad Character is dangerous , like bad habits the problem is that we sometimes dont know that we are acting wrong. This can grow up to such a level that if it doesn't get stopped it can brake into pices. The question is what to do?
Making dua can change bad habits into good habits or as much you are involve in doing good things the more often you will not anymore be attached to the wrong things. But it is very hard to get out or move out from the bad actions. But please in this situation it is important to stay calm and pray to Allah. Doing work or other exercises quick can odten led you to make mistakes . Thats why you will always have to listen to make it easy. Making dua to Allah means that you know or acknowledged your false and you want to change them. The best part is that you finally acknowledged them this is very important to solve a problem. Because before you even can take a step you have to accept it that you are acting or doing wrong. And making dua is the best way to solve the problem. There are many duas you can do for changing bad habits into good . But what can we do for other people who we know are doing wrong but they aren't listening?
The first thing is to acknowledge how big the problem is ...has it something to do with violence or anger problems because these types of problems are very risky because you never know how the people will react.
First thing which I would do (iam not a psychologist or anything like that just telling my ideas) nothing which would make the person angry. And I mean like talking back or something like that. I would pray to Allah to help me out of this. To ask for Allah himself opinion you can make Istikhaara . This is a special dua you make to ask for Allah opinion. Allah will tell you than, it can be throw a dream or anything else , what his opinion is.So Before taking any steps praying to Allah is always the best way. Making dua and making effort is important if you want to change something.
Dua to Allah
SpiritualDua, what is a dua ? and how to pray and when to pray it ? Are there any similarities to other Religions concerning dua. And what can a person reach with dua I will Share my thouhts but also talk about the Power of dua. NEVER underestimate the Pow...