Chapter 1: My Life

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Kim's P.O.V.

I found myself sitting on my couch on a beautiful Thursday morning. It was beautiful unlike my life. I had an abusive boyfriend named Alexander who went by the name of Alex. I tried ending our relationship so many times and living a normal life, but he said if I did that, he'd hurt everyone close to me. I was never quite sure why I always let him abuse me. I just couldn't get over how scary he was. I must admit, he really made me mad sometimes. He said that I always had to be at our dates on time. I tried not living by his rules once though. That didn't end so well. He ended up hitting me so hard, I actually passed out. I would've tried hiding, but he knew all my hiding places, so he was really good at finding me. I could've tried moving away, but I know he would stop me before I ever ended up getting anywhere. I really didn't want to exist. He made me extremely depressed.


I first met Alex at school when some other kids were making fun of me, and my best friend, Teri, was yelling at them trying to get them away from me. After the incident, Alex came over to us and called them a bunch of lame jerks who really weren't worth our time anyway. We got into some small talk and eventually invited him to sit with us at lunch. A few weeks went by, and Alex and I decided to exchang numbers. We really didn't have any feelings at the time. We were just really good friends and wanted to keep in contact more. Little did I know that someday he would turn my life into more of a living nightmare than I had ever experienced back then.

A year after we met, we started dating. His smile when he laughed took me to paradise. I wished I could've seen that smile more often, not when he was beating me. He seemed so amazing at first. About a month or two went by, and Alex started to get meaner. "What happened to the Alex I used to know?" I asked him one day. He could tell I was getting ready to break up with him, but then he threatened me. That's how I've been stuck with this guy for so long. He never really was a gentleman. He faked that.

~Flasback Ends~

*Later that day*

He was holding out the prettiest ring I'd ever seen in my life and was down on one knee. He'd even done everything romantic. He took me to a fancy restaurant and gave me flowers. I don't even know why he was proposing. He never cared about how I felt. I wanted to say no badly. What choice did I have, though? I didn't want to get hurt. "Yes, I- I'll marry you." My heart had just sunk to the lowest point possible. Why did I say yes to that jerk's face? Oh, right, I cared about my skin.

After he left, I called Teri on the phone. "Girl, he just asked me to marry him."

"Oh my gosh! Seriously? I'm so happy for you." I never told her about the things that Alex did to me. I hid my marks by wearing long sleeves and make up all day.

"Thanks." I said back. We talked a little longer then hung up. I was still at the restaurant, so I went to my small apartment room. I took off all my make up and put on pajama pants and a T-shirt. Once I was finished, I went off to listen to some music. Yes, it was Michael Jackson. His music always made me feel better about everything. His voice just always soothed me when I felt so alone. I heard a knock on my door. I paused the CD of the beautiful voice I was listening to to answer the door.




*Author's Note: Hey guys this is my first fanfic so I really hope you like it. Sorry the first chapter was short and boring. I promise it'll get better. Anywho feedback would be great. Thanks to those of you who read this. I promise I'll update soon. Well, bye for now.*

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