The Heart of The Viper (A Randy Orton Fanfic)

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"Randy.. Randall.. Randy! You awake.." I yell whisper as he sleeps on the tour bus bed.

"Huh? Oh, yeah.. I guess." He whispers sleepily. Today marked three weeks since Randy's divorce.

"Randy.. You've changed so much.. What happened to the old you.."

"Shutup! I'm sick of you telling me I've changed! I'm just going through a lot right now and struggling a bit!" He yells.

"Randy.. Listen. I am always going to be by your side, no matter what happens. But you need to let me help you with this.."

Randy looked at the floor and ran his hand over his short brown hair. He looked up at me and tears filled his beautiful blue eyes.

I breathed out heavily and wiped his tears away with my thumbs.

"Randy it's okay.."

"No it's not! I have to go. I have a show to do. Bye." He jumped out of the bus and I looked out the window seeing him speeding down the road in his black rental camaro.

I didn't have to go tonight, because I had no segments or promos, so I decided to stay in the tour bus and make Randy dinner for when he came back at nine PM tonight. The TV was on Raw, and I was making his favorite, Japanese food. Rice, teriyaki chicken, and veggies on top. His song played on the tour bus tv, and he hopped in the ring, his song fading away. Here it comes.. I thought.

"I, Randy Orton. Have been taken advantage of, cheated, and lied to by Daniel, Bryan. And it's only one persons fault. My own. Because Daniel Bryan does not deserve to be WWE champion. He did not deserve, to be in that match with me, he cheated on his second chance, took MY title. And NOW, the championship is out for ANYONE. But I will regain that championship. Because I am someone I haven't been, for THREE YEARS. And it was what my bosses called "Best for business", that I changed and became that way. That I was face, and I wasn't the original LEGEND KILLER! But you all, that's right. YOU. Wanted the REAL Randy! You all asked for the REAL Randy and hell, you all got it. Dammit! That two years I was face, let me tell all of you this much. I took anger management classes, and held in the REAL ME! Because of my damn boss! And now IM HERE, TO SHOW YOU THE REAL ME! Roll the footage Jerry!"

On the screen above the ramp, a video of Randy standing in the parking lot played. The Miz walked by, and Randy grabbed him by the neck, throwing him down on the pavement. Miz was taken away in an ambulance.

"WWE universe! Do you see the real me? Do you? Don't worry. If you can't see it now, you'll be seeing it on Night Of Champions. You just wait."

Randy dropped the mic and walked backstage.

"He says he didn't change.. He says he's still the Randy he used to be.. But he isn't.. He's someone else.. And I don't know who.." The thoughts ran through my mind of how he would be when he returned to the tour bus. I sat with his meal prepared in front of me. He was due back a half hour ago, but he still had not come. Where was he.. Had he given up on me..

"I hear voices in my head, they council me they understand, they talk to me.."

My text tone rang on my phone. It was Randy.

"Bella. I'm done. I can't do this anymore. I can't live with this guilt and pain on my shoulders. I can't take it. I'm jumping off the cliff where I asked her to marry me, into the deep, rocky sea. This all just has to end. Everything is crashing down on me in my life and I have to end it all. I'm sorry Bella. Please don't come after me. Don't try to stop me. Don't do anything. Listen Bella. You know that I care. You care about me, and I know it. And this is not goodbye. This is see you later. I'll see you someday when your time has come to join me in the heavens. Just remember this Bella, no matter how much you want to cry, don't. I'm not worth your tears. And remember that I care about you. I will be watching over you. And whether I'm not here physically.. I will always be by your side. Goodbye Bella Quinn. I'm sorry."

Tears flowed down my face, my hands and arms shook fiercely. I grabbed my keys off the counter and ran as fast as I could out to my 2006 Lamborghini in the parking lot we were staying in. I sped down the road at my cars top speed of 200 MPH. The cliff was in this situation, a painful ten minutes away going 85 miles per hour. Going 200 I should be there in only a couple of minutes, there were no stop signs or traffic lights on the way. After almost crashing three times into other cars, trees, signs, and many more random things, I sped up the path to the top of the cliff and just as Randy started to run toward the edge I swung the car around on two wheels in front of him. He stopped in his tracks and clenched his fists breathing heavily.

I quickly jumped out of the car and ran the five feet that seemed so far away to Randy. Tears fell from my eyes like waterfalls.

"Randy!" I yelled, thrown my arms around him, my hand on the back of his head, crying my heart out into his RKO t-shirt.

"Bella. I told you not to stop me." He whispered with a sad voice.

I looked in his blue eyes, that sparkled so beautifully in the moonlight.

"Randy.. I know you did okay!? But do you really think I would sit in that damn tour bus and know your killing yourself, and not do anything about it?! Dammit Randal! I care about you. If you cared about me you wouldn't ever have thought about doing this!"

Tears fell more than ever before from my deep blue eyes.

"Why Randy.. Why? Why would you do this?!"

I whispered, crying harder than I ever had before in my life.

Slowly he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms with his hand on the back of my head. I cried into his shirt which smelled of his cologne.. Bringing back the first day we met.. The first day I was accepted into WWE, the day he was accepted also. Sharing a dressing room. Him spraying his cologne and practically choking me with all he used. Then only minutes later laughing so hard we cried over old stories of our teenage years..

"Bella.." Randy whispered.

I couldn't answer him. I couldn't say anything. Tears just kept flowing.

He held me in his comforting, muscular arms, leaning his head on mine.

"Bella.. I'm sorry." Randy whispered painfully.

He let go of me and tried to get around me.

"No!" I snapped, grabbing his wrist. "Randy I'm not letting you! Whether I have to push you on the ground and knock you out to keep you from doing it, or you'll finally realize how much I care about you, I'm not letting you do it! Dammit Randal! I've done all I fucking can to try to make you understand that you are worth living! You never listen to me!" I snapped.

I shook him twice and continued..

"Randy I tried! I stopped you because I actually give a fuck about what happens to you! I have tried to make you happy! Fuck! I even made your favorite Japanese dinner for you, and then you text me and say your going to kill yourself! Dammit! Do you even know how much I risked my life to stop you?! I almost died three damn times! Because I.. I need you! If I lose you, then my life would be OVER. You mean the world to me Randal. Maybe the whole WWE universe is against you, you hate my damn guts, you lost practically everything. But dammit Randal! I care about you! More than anything in this entire world. You're my whole life. And you need to remember that you could do or say anything to me.. And I would still care. I can't change how you act in the ring and how you treat me. But Randy I know that you really aren't a heel. You aren't really that person. I know why you're acting the way you are, and it's because of the guilt, and sadness you are feeling. You're carrying it all on your shoulders. Now before you start yelling at me, think about it. You didn't act the way you are until you divorced Sam. Randy you know what she did to you, and so do I. And you need to let it go. You need to realize that it is not your fault. You know what Randy? Let it out. Kick me. Hit me. Beat me until I'm numb. Because if it's the only way for you to get rid of your anger, then just do it. Don't kill yourself. Let everything out and make yourself feel better. Go on. Do what you have to do." I said, still crying a bit.

"Bella.. I.. I'm not killing myself, and I won't hit you.. I've held everything in.. I just.."

Before he could finish he held his hand over his eyes and cried.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me.

"It's okay to cry Randy.." I whispered to him wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry Bella.." He whispered in my ear.

"Randy it's okay.. Just don't try this ever again.."

A few minutes later he stopped crying and got in his camaro.

"Meet me at the bus.." He said quietly.

"I'll be there in a few.." I replied.

Both of us got in our cars and drove back to the bus. When I arrived, Randy was already there. I went inside and found him sitting there.

"Bella.. Sit."

"Oh, okay."

I sat across from him at the dinner table.

"Bella look at me."

Staring deep into his eyes he said "Do you remember me.. Do you.."

Our memories ran through my head.

"Bella. It's really hard for me to tell this to my best friend, but.. I think I'm falling for you.."

"Randal.." I whispered.

"Bella.." He replied.

"Yes Randy.. Before you ask.. I fell for you.. A while ago. Okay.."

"I know Bella.. I knew.."

"Sorry Randy.."

"Don't be sorry. I know it's only been three weeks, but.. Will you be my girlfriend.."

Part two coming soon!
Will Bella say yes?
Is Randy who he used to be again..
Or is he the Randy who just doesn't care..
Find out in part two :)
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