In a Place Far Away

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AN: I have been filled with so many Susan/Caspian feels it is insane, so have this one that hurt to write. Inspiration is slightly due to the song "See you Again" by Carrie Underwood, particularly the line, "Calling me back in time, Back to you, In a place far away, Where the water meets the sky, The thought of it makes me smile"


"I'll see you someday, even if I must travel to the end of the world."

Caspian sat below deck of the Dawn Treader, having just revisited the lovely woman Liliandil on their way to the end of the world. He had heard the crews remarks on her, and one man had the nerve to outright say she would be a good queen. Yet, when he looked at her, all he could see was Susan. Could it be her hair, styled so similarly to his love's? Or perhaps her gentle mannerisms that were characteristic to the Gentle Queen? Either way, all that weighed on his mind was if this was Aslan's way of showing him it was time for him to move on, to take that last step as King and find a Queen, have an heir. 

It had been three years since she left to her realm. Engalnd. A foreign word to him, a land that seemed so complicated, so odd. Edmund's torch, for example. How was that even possible? All he knew of England was what he had learned from the Pevensies, particularly Susan. She always had a bit of bitterness in her voice, which she tried to mask. But to be a queen in one world, and a commoner in another where you didn't feel home would be enough, he figured, to make anyone bitter.

Aslan could be cruel, couldn't he? Ripping Susan, fragile and confused Susan who hide behind her smile and laughter, the one called sensible and motherly, away from the place she called home, where she could be herself, never sat well with him. The great Lion had his reasons, he was sure, but still. Susan needed Narnia as much as it needed her. As much as he needed her.

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. A member of the crew stuck his head into the King's chambers, alerting him that the King and Queen of Old requested him, believing it would be best that they traveled by row boat from here on out. Caspian sighed and got up, making his way to the row boat and climbing aboard. The trip was lost to him, his thoughts distracting him from the conversations going on around him. All he could think of was his choice. Would, no could, he move on from her?

The sandy beach of the edge of the world, the waves racing to the air, caused the King to feel heavy hearted. What lay on the other side? Was his father over there? His mother? Was it a portal to her realm? And then Aslan appeared and spoke those words. Words of his friend leaving, having to go.

For a small moment, he glanced into the waves, thinking that he had seen...but no. That would be foolish, thoughts of a man desperate to see one he knew gone but couldn't forget. Still, he gently reached into the wave where he thought he saw her face and caressed it, in a way of saying goodbye to love, goodbye to the hope he would ever be with her.

And as he said goodbye to Lucy, Edmund, and Eustance, he realized just what he had to do. Say farewell to foolish hope, a love never able to happen. He glanced once more into the wave, the color of the water that of her eyes. And still, for one second, he saw her smiling at him. 

Farewell, my love.


Susan packed her bags, preparing to leave America and return to England with her parents. It had been a lovely trip, with parties and dancing, but something was missing. As she danced with the handsome men, she saw his face. She heard his laugh.

But, a year had passed, and she knew that the tiny hope she had that Aslan had been joking when he said she would never return had long gone out. She needed to move on from Narnia, to grown up and act her age. But the land of her rule, where she could be queen, filtered into her mind constantly. Most days, she missed it. Missed the songs of the dryads, the music of the fauns as they danced. Missed the dancing at balls, the dresses, the feasts in their honor. 

But the lion was a cruel friend. Aslan. He knew how much Narnia meant to her, and yet he sent her packing. Left her stuck in the dreary grey of England. Left her without him. Caspian... He had been her prince. He could have been her King. 

Her mother's voice called up that they would be heading to the beach before they began the trip home.  It would give Susan time to think. After all, she did have to figure out everything before returning back to her home country. Otherwise things would still hurt too much. She changed into her bathing suit and walked silently with her parents to the coastal beach.

She tread gently on the seashell filled beach, making her way towards the waves. As the waves roared, she grew disheartened. The water here was so much more green than in Narnia. She wondered what had been happening there, how Caspian was. Did he miss her as much as she missed him?

The water raced over her feet, chilling them. Susan gazed towards the waves and for a moment swore she saw...but that was wishful thinking. Still, as the breeze caressed her face, she thought she could feel Caspian's touch.  Her face broke into a small smile as she closed her eyes. 

But they snapped open quickly as she realized what she was doing. No, Narnia had to be forgotten. If she focused on it, it would hurt too much. Still, she swore she saw his face as the waves crashed off the shore.

Even if I must forget everything else, the thought of you will linger...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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