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I visit you from time to time..."  it said...

what..? she visits me.. maybe she's my auntie or any of my relatives.. 

"Are you related to me? or any kind of relativity that we're blood related..?" i asked i didn't understand my question actually.. haha :')

"No..."  it said.. 

ohhh okay.. but.. i was startled of what she said next.. 

"But you will be blood related to me.."  its voice changed from gentle to like being anxious and very challenged...

*Boogsh!* Owww...

" Mr. BlaikeMoore! why are you absent minded??!" my professor said.. 

Wow.. i didn't know i was out the whole time.. my mind was carried away with something else..

"If you are like this Mister.. you better get out of this class!" he screamed.. 

"OUT!" he said again... Fine fine.. am going out okay? geez...

Well thank you for talking to me telepath, now i'm out of the class =-= 

I might fail this subject because of you.. THANKS! i said sarcastically..

" you're welcome.. haha"  it said and chuckled..

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