Chapter 1 - I'm a Demigod?

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Hi, my name is Chloë and I'm 13 years old. Currently I live in California, well to be more exact I live on 156 Spring road, Berkeley, California. I go to a public middle school and have two best friends, Kyle and Jayden. We're really close. Even though I'm the only girl I've never really cared because all the other girls I know are stuck up, girly, and really mean.
     This story is about my strange life and how it all began. In hindsight it all started in the morning on my way to school when I thought I saw  a giant - and when I say giant I mean like the size of an elephant giant - black dog in the park. Then in English class when I was spacing out and looking out the window I saw a horse flying with wings, but it was probably just my brain compensating for the extremely boring lecture.
Now here we are, walking to lunch.
     "Hi," I say to Jayden as he joins me and Kyle in the hallway.
     "Hey," he says back. "Did you Finnish that essay for history next period?"
     "Ugh, no, I could barely write a paragraph. I mean who actually cares about what king was killed for some stupid reason!" I say, ranting a little.
     "I didn't think it was that bad, it only took me about 20 minutes," Kyle says. Of course it only took him twenty minutes, being the perfect A student he is. In my case I could have climbed Mount Everest faster than write a paper because I have ADHD and dyslexia like Jayden, Kyle has ADHD but he can read fine. We kinda became friends because we all have the same problem.
     We're at the lunch room and go and get into line, today is pizza day and I'm starving, but Jack comes and stands right behind us and I lose my appetite as I remember all of the mean and cruel thing he's said to me and my friends.
"I can't wait until next year, when these little freaks will be gone, they were probably expelled just for being such creeps." Jack says to his group of friends, just loud when enough that he knows us and everyone around heard. Whenever he does this people usually just look at us with hate or sometimes pity, but no one ever does anything. I guess we have to defend ourselves like always.
     We grab our pizza and head to the back of the lunchroom, where we sit on the ground facing the wall of windows that looks out towards the football field. I just finished my pizza when we saw Jack coming our way. He looks really mad and seemed bigger than normal. The closer he got the bigger he seemed and I could tell we were all freaking out a little, Jayden and Kyle stood and I joined them. When Jack came to a stop in front of us he was easily 8 feet tall and he smiled at us with crooked yellow teeth.
     "Finally," he rasped. "I have you demigods right where I want you, and now I will get to kill you slowly and painfully."
     None of us knew what to do, I looked to my friend and they seemed as equally terrified and confused as me. Jack advanced and a large club appeared in his large grimy hand. I was so terrified I couldn't move until he started swinging his club at us. His first swing went just above our heads as we all ducked. I heard a crash and was afraid he had hit one of my friends, until I saw a chariot being pulled by two winged horses fly through the windows. I thought that my day couldn't get any stranger and then I was sprawled on my back. Jack had hit me with the club when I was distracted. My ribs heart and I tried to sit up but couldn't. Now two people were getting out of the chariot and racing towards us. I rolled sideways just as the club hit the ground next to my head so hard it cracked the floor. I turned over and saw Jayden lying still across the room, and now Jack was advancing on Kyle who was trapped between a table and the wall. Then a girl from the chariot ran up behind Jack and stabbed him! I couldn't believe it that girl had just murdered him, but he was gone, there was just a little pile of dust.
     I got up and unsteadily walked to Jayden who was gradually becoming conscious again. I was helping him up when Kyle and the girl walked over to us.
     "You have to come with me to a camp that can keep you safe as a demigod, your not safe here anymore, you were found by one monster and many more will come, we have already wasted enough time," the girl said.
     "What's a demigod?" I ask.
     "Ya, and where is this camp?" Asks Kyle
     "All your questions will be answered when we get there, I must find your satyr, where is Mr. Fern?" She asks.
     Just then a boy with black hair and see green eyes comes up and says to the girl "I found the satyr, but he was killed and hidden in the janitors closet, and I saw traces of other monsters nearby. We must leave now." Just as he finished speaking the door burst open and the big dog I saw earlier today charges in, fangs bared and growling.
      "Get in the chariot!" The girl screams, and we oblige to frightened to argue. We hold on tight to the back as the winged horses run towards the shattered window, and when we get to the edge instead of plummeting down two stories we start flying. I look back at my school in wonder, and think that there are still so many questions to be answered.

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