Chapter 4

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"Yeah i know it was wierd." I said casually to Allison as I walked down the hallway. It was the Monday after the game and the Eli situation was really getting me worked up. I needed to know if their was something going on there or if I was just imagining things.

"God. Do you even know how many girls would KILL to be you right now?" Allison replied emphasizing the kill part. I couldn't even imagine how many girls would hate me or send me dirty looks if I came strolling down the hall hand-in-hand with Eli Cruz.

"A lot. I know." I replied "But I'm so confused and don't understand what's even happening." I said back to her. It was true. A part of me wished I had some super power or a thought translator so that I could automatically know what Eli was thinking.

"Well he obviously has some feelings for you." Allison added nonchalantly. That made me smile. It would be so great if Eli Cruz actually liked me. But I always thought that it was like impossible to have the popular guy have a crush on you unless you were some insanely popular girl.

As we walked into 1st period we saw everyone standing awkwardly around the room. The first moment I saw it I already knew exactly what it meant.

'Oh great' I thought to myself 'A seating chart'.

Me and Allison looked at eachother with disgusted faces then joined our classmates standing against walls and leaning on a bunch of random desks.

"Carly Curtis" My head snapped up when I heard Mr. Grey call my name. "You'll be next to Mr. Cruz." He continued pointing to the empty desk beside Eli. I looked over at Allison and she flashed a knowing smile at me before pushing me to go to my new seat.

"Hey" Eli said as I made my way to the desk.

I smiled my best smile showing my perfect, white teeth.At least I hoped I hoped they look perfect. What if I forgot to brush today. "Hi. How're you doing." I asked him.

He smiled his smile which I'm pretty sure was forty times better than mine. He certainly rememered to brush today. Heck, his teeth look like he brushes them after every meal. "Pretty good now." He replied. That made my cheeks turn a bright crimson color.

"I know this seating chart thing sucks, right?" I winked at him to show him that I was being sarcastic. I was hoping that maybe he would like my sense of humor.

As soon as everyone else had taken thier seats Mr. Grey started teaching. I noticed that Allison was seated next to one of the few male gingers in our school and it made me smile. I remembered her telling me how she thought gingers were hot. I guess we both had recieved our perfect seats.

"What is he talking about?" Eli whispered to me as Mr. Grey taught the lesson. I looked at him then down at the notes I was writing. He winked at me and then kept listening to the teacher speak. I laughed and joined him.

A few minutes later there was a tap at my shoulder. I looked over in time to see Eli throw a folded up piece of paper onto my desk. I was suprised that he would do that. I was such a goodie. I even wondered if I would get in trouble for passing notes. I opened the small white note and peered at the messy writing inside.

'How was your weekend' it read.

I smiled and then wrote 'Pretty boring. You?' in reply before folding the paper back up and then throwing it to him.

When I recieved the paper back I blushed at his anaswer. 'It was pretty okay. Not as good as spending a whole football game talking to this one gorgeous girl' Oh my gosh, he just called me gorgeous. If anyone was gorgeous in this situation, it was him.

'Oh sounds fun. Who might this girl be?' I said trying to be a little flirty. I was handing the paper back to him when we were rudely interuppted.

"Mr. Cruz, Ms. Curtis. Would you like to share something with the class?" Mr. Grey yelled in a gruff tone. Everyone turned to look at the piece of paper that me and Eli were both holding with one hand. Well this was an uncomfortable situation.

I looked past Mr. Grey and saw Allison beaming at me.

"No sir." Eli replied to the question that I forgot had been asked.

"Then you won't mind giving me that paper?" Mr. Grey said questioningly with a stern look and his face.

I let go of the paper and Eli passed it to Mr. Grey without another word.

'Oh great' I thought to myself 'There goes my chance at being flirty.'


"Well that's awk-awk." Christina said at lunch as I was telling them about first period and the note incident. At least Mr. G didn't read the note outloud in front of everyone.

I laughed. "Yes I know it was. I turned around and everyone was staring. I can't imagine how red my face was." I wish that I could have taken a picture of me when Mr. Grey called me and Eli out.

"Oh I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Jessi countered. 'Yes it was.' I thought to myself. 'It was awful. One of the most embarassing things that had ever happened to me.' "At least you were passing notes with, like, the hottest guy at Lima High. They were probably all just jealous." True dat.

"Umm yeah we are!" Ana joked.

"Well you guys do NOT need to be jealous of me. My life is not some super great fantasy." I laughed. There was so many things that weren't perfect in my life.

They looked at me with open mouths until Ana finally interuppted. "Well it's my fantasy." she said and we all laughed. My life was going pretty well right now. I was the new girl and I'd already made new friends, but it wasn't as great as they thought.

After we laughed for a little while, Jessi butted in. "So anyway let's get back to the real matter at hand." We all looked at her with stupid faces not being able to figure out what the 'real matter' was. She finally put us out of our misery. "Can I be a bridesmaid at your wedding?!"

We all laughed at that and I was pretty sure that my face was seventeen shades of red and maroon and crimson. "We're not getting married!" I protested loudly. This made them laugh even louder. I'm so glad that Eli was not hearing my super embarassing frinds' and mine conversation.

"Anyway," I continued "He doesn't want anything to do with me. I'm just the wierd clumsy new girl." This conclusion made perfect sense to me.

That got them to stop laughing. The looked at me with disbelief. Why were they looking at me like that?

"Are you kidding me?" Christina almost yelled. "We've been going to this school for years. We know how this system works. The hot new girl always comes and the guys fall all over her!"

I looked down at my self. "Yeah well I wouldn't exactly describe my self as hot." I said.

Ana threw her head down on the table and mumbled something tht sounded like "I'm gonna kill myself."

Jessi spoke for Christina. "Shut up girl. You are like unbelievably gorgeous. I can't even stand to walk through the hallways with you because guys stare at you, completely ignoring me, and you don't even notice."

I blushed. "Oh thank you." I replied sheepishly, tucking my dark brown hair behind my ear. "But you guys are all gorgeous too."

"Although I agree that we are pretty hot," Christina said jokingly "Its just that guys aren't used to youre looks. They've seen us every day since third grade. Guys here aren't used to super hot Texas girls."

They all looked at her with agreeing faces that stared back at me.

"Well maybe..." I said but was interuppted by thier groans.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2011 ⏰

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