Chapter 1: The Beginning, The Way Beginning

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As I board Air Force Three to go back home to all of the politics, craziness, and science, I look over this once beautiful Earth. It's the year 12,000, and all of the continents have shifted together again for the third time. Horrible terrorists have taken over, not Isis or al-Qaida, but the Nazis, again. Before we go on, I should introduce myself and explain how the hell I got here. Hi, I'm Will Culpepper, or P.K. (Short for President's Kid). The first memory of being with my father is when we would go on long walks up and down the hallways of the White House. I thought that we would do it for exercise, but I now realize that he was mapping out the building for me so that when I took his role, I could remember all of the rooms in here. Sometimes we would even run down the hallways and race each other. We only did this until I was about 6 or 7, but we still hang out whenever he has time. A couple of years ago,we went bowling in a real alley, not the one in the house (which, don't get me wrong, is still awesome). I can still remember the day that he died. A terrorist had bombed Independence Hall, killing best friend and favorite Secret service Agent. She wasn't the only one who dies that day, for my father took a gun to his head, and pulled the trigger. I had just opened the door to try and comfort him when I saw his pale, limp body crash to the floor. In this world, the son takes over because it has always been my family in the White House. Some people would try and challenge the family with an election but nobody ever won that. Although I didn't want to bring disgrace to my family, I also didn't have the skill and knowledge to be a president.

With all of this emotion bottled up, but with nowhere else to go, I ran to Air Force One. I had been playing flying games all of my life, so I thought I knew what I was doing. I went higher and higher, and then north to Canada. I stopped in an open field the size of about 17 football fields put together. I went to the back of the plane, sat down and started sobbing. I hadn't really had the time to contemplate my father's death, but I was mad, upset, angry. I had all of this rage, so I started to punch. Everything in sight, the walls, bookshelves, cabinets, until a bright green box flew out into the field. I got out of the jet and opened it. Inside was a vial of a bright blue liquid, labeled 'Anathema' I picked it up and thought, "It might kill me, but that'll be better than a life without my father." I drank it, feeling the slimy liquid going down, deeper into. After about a minute nothing happened, so I decided that it was worthless. I found a knife in the med-kit, and started cutting myself. I felt nothing, so I cut harder. Harder and faster until my grip on the knife made my knuckles white. I looked down and there was no mark on my arm. I was invincible. DAMN IT! Now I have to live with the grief of my dead father for as long as I live, which might be for a while, since nothing can kill me but old age. Still sniffling, I get back in the plane.

"The government will be after me," I say out loud to the air. "They will never rest until I am caught to be president or dead, but I'm invincible. I will not let them take me, for I can't lead a country. I am 16! You can't even challenge the family tree until you are 30!" All of a sudden, I hear a loud crash, as a shotgun shell bounces off of the windshield of the jet. I jump back and lock all of the entrances to the plane. They were not getting in, but I wasn't getting out either. The government worked fast and found me in an instant, but being inside the world's safest plane, I would be okay for now. Hundreds of questions are running through my head. What did this Anathema do to me? Why am I not dead? How the hell did the old geezers of the government find me? Then I remembered the tracker on the plane. I would have to disable it, but this would require me to go outside of the plane, which is basically suicide, if I could die; however, they would hold me down and force me to come back to D. C. and lead this country until I either lost a challenge or died. I quickly started up the plane and got the hell out of there. I watched as the altitude meter went higher and higher, getting to 50,000 feet above sea level.

I just kept on flying, not having a care in the world about the government finding me because had the best plan. I would fly to my grandparent's place in Kentucky and destroy the tracker. This was perfect, until I realized that the plane was out of gas and I was quickly falling down back to the surface. I wouldn't crash, but the landing wouldn't be a pleasant one. I felt the plane jolting back and forth through the air and bounced up and down on the ground. Luckily, there was a flat open space for me to land, which according to my map was just outside D.C. "Perfect," I thought. "Now it will be simple for them to find me because I was right outside the city,"; however, it would be harder than they thought because I found and broke the tracker. I can see the puzzled look on their face as they stare at their now blank maps, wondering where I will be next. Then, through a lot of paperwork and agreement, they didn't have me as president, yet. I would have to take the position once I turned 30. I still thought that my father would com back and take his place, but he was really dead. That was 2016, about 10,000 years ago. As I got older, I didn't age and when I would've been 100, I still looked 16. I was immortal. I made a vow to myself to never tell anyone about my newfound abilities. I still have Air Force One today, but I haven't ever flown it since that day, November 4, 2016. 

This is my first story! I have more of it, but tell me what you think! Part 2 will be published on Friday, May 20th, 2016!

Ideas? Thoughts? Comment Below! See you Friday!


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