Chapter 11

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Dipper's p.o.v

I was in an unfamiliar room and I was into someone's chest. Then the events from yesterday hit me square in the face. The movies, my episode, the pills, the sleep, Will crying, going to sleep all cuddled, waking up. I was faintly smiling. I thought that after my episode, Will would have told me to stay away from him or never talk to him ever again but he didn't. He stayed by my side, he calmed me. He was there through every step we took. From the beginning to now. "Morning sleeping beauty" he whispered in my ear and I  almost jumped outta bed. "Jesus Will do not ever scare me like that again" I said as he laughed a bit. "Sorry but you weren't paying attention to me so I found a way" he said as he planted a kiss on my shoulder and got up. My face was a reddish colour. He makes me melt. With his littles kisses and hugs. Anyways, I got up as well and one by one, we took our shower. Will landed me some clothes to wear and an underwear too. He was so kind to me... "What to do you want to eat for breakfast?" He asked me. "Whatever you want" I said eating an apple. Wait what? Why am I eating an apple? "Well would you like to go to the dinner?" He asked. And I smirked. "Only to one condition" I started and he sighed. "Let me guess... You pay?" He asked and he chuckled. "Yes I will pay" I said and he laughed. "Okay after I get you all to myself" he said and his face went red. "Um that wasn't what I wanted to say but..." He trailed off. I just laughed. I don't know but when I'm with him, I get butterflies in my stomach. "Bring your butt over here" I said and he looked at me strangely but did as I commended. I grabbed his hand and led him outside. "Wow I think I'm liking you a little bit to much today..." He whispered to himself. I laughed as he gripped my hand tighter. This is not my usual self. What's happening to me?! It's like he's acting like me and I'm acting like him. "I'm Will?" I asked. "Yes Dip?" He returned. "Don't you think we're acting a bit strange?" I said and he stopped. After like two minutes he slapped his forehead. "Ah yes my bad dipper I forgot to tell you that the sleeping pills you took yesterday have this effect. You act the way you don't usually act. But it will pass in half an hour normally." He said and sighed. "Sorry again" he said as he looked down. "Hey don't worry about it. I actually lurk myself a bit more like this" I said and he smiled. "Good but...I'm hungry!" He whined like a kid. "We're going to eat stop being a baby and make a men of yourself" I said as he pouted. "You think I'm not man enough?" He asked a bit ticked off but a smirk was showing. "That's what I said" I confirmed with my own smirk getting bigger. He huffed passed by me and slapped my ass. I yelped like a little girl. "Now who's not men enough?" He asked with his smirk showing even more and that arrogant look on his face. I'm gonna make his pay this later...

I'm not the one who wants to hurt you Billdip fanfic. [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now