Chapter 3:

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When I woke up, Nick's arms were around my waist. I gave him a quick kiss and told him goodbye. I grabbed my stuff and headed out, calling Nikki. I knew she would be awake, because she is almost always awake by 4 and it was 5:30. Before I got to my car, I smelled this delicious scent, but I ignored it and drove away. Like I told Nick, the city was only an hours' drive away, so I got there in record time. While I was driving, Nick notified me that the Alpha arrived early this morning before I left. He also told me that he was upset that we allow our pack members to have hook ups with humans, than just let them leave on their own. Obviously he saw me, since we don't actually allow our pack members to do that. Apparently he was pissed.

Once I got into town, I drove straight to Nikki's. She was at work, but luckily I have a key to her place and she knew I was coming. She left a letter saying that she'd be home late tonight and that there is food in the fridge that I can help myself to.

I decide to just head straight to the college to register. It was only a fifteen minute drive, so I got there pretty quick. I got registered and bought my books. I was a late starter, since the semester started last week. The majority of my classes were online, but I had three actual in class classes. I prefer online, but that wasn't an option for those classes, oh well.

I decided that I had some free time, so I went shopping. New semester, new clothes right? By the time I got back to the house, Nikki's car was in front. As soon as I walked in the door, I was attacked. I had to remember not to attack you back, since she was only hugging me.

"I know you don't like being touched, but I haven't seen you in forever so, you are going to let me hug you," she said as she squishes my internal organs.

"I missed you too Nik, but if you keep trying to kill me, I make no promises."

"Fine, but I better get a goodbye this time; you are not allowed to just disappear again. You hear me missy?"

"You know that wasn't my fault, but I promise ill try my best to say goodbye this time."

We decided to go out for dinner since neither of us wanted to cook. After we ordered, we sat down, but before we could start talking, Nick mind-linked me.

N: Hey, we kinda have a situation.

E: What's the problem?

N: The Alpha is pissed because the Beta isn't here, he's also becoming suspicious since I don't sell like an alpha. I told him you were out on business, but he wants to meet you. You know how he's looking for a mate and once he found out you were a she, he wont let it go. What should I do?

E: That's complete BS, he has no right to criticize who we tell him our alpha is. He is a visiting Alpha and even though he is there to help us, he s still a guest, he has to act like one. With the whole wanting to meet the Beta, obviously it cant be me. Tell him that I already have a mate. Why is he so persistent?

N: Thanks Evy. Apparently, he caught her scent, but no one in our pack matches the smell. I'll tell him, good luck with school tomorrow, don't fail your classes worrying about little us.

E: Fuck you, tame the Alpha and keep me updated on whats happening.

I look up and see Nikki staring at me and our food in front of us. "I am so sorry, did I zone out again?"

"Yeah, but its ok, it gave me time to get a head start on eating," she says sticking her tongue out at me.

"Like that's going to help you." I grab my fork and digged in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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