Morning Madness

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(A/N: Hello, readers! Well, I recently just got over a fever and am recovering. I didn't go to school today, and, instead of doing all the stuff I have to make up, I wrote another chapter! Anyway, my AP exam is over, but school still sucks. There is more of Kuroko's fanfic in this story.


1) The anime he's writing from is completely made up. Any similarity to an actual anime or manga is purely coincidental.

2) The protagonists names are Hibiki (uke) and Kishi (seme).

Thanks to everyone who followed, favorited, and/or reviewed! Those reviews are always welcome! ;) Anyways, here's the next chapter! Enjoy!)

Chapter Seven

In the Generation of Miracles' room, chaos ensued.

Kise and Aomine were having a pillow fight. Murasakibara had joined in because Akashi hadn't allowed him to eat inside the room. Midorima was reading a book but was soon hit in the face by a pillow thrown by Aomine. He didn't want to stoop to their level so he ignored his irritation and kept reading. When he got hit a second time, knocking his glasses off of his head, he snapped. He shot the pillow back, nailing Aomine's head with a smirk.

While this was happening, Akashi was still reading, and Kuroko was still typing away on his laptop. Kuroko's chapters were so long that they even took Akashi a while to read. He was about halfway maybe three fourths through the second chapter.

The chaos died down the instant a pillow almost smacked Akashi in the head. But it didn't exactly hit him. I said 'almost', didn't I? Kise made the mistake of throwing a pillow in Akashi's direction. Akashi had stuck out a pair of scissors before the pillow could reach him. Its momentum caused the scissors to stab through it, piercing a hole in the middle of the pillow. Where he got the scissors was unknown. Silence overcame the group. If a pin was dropped, you'd hear it.

"Ryouta, do you have something to say?" Akashi said, his eye glinting.

Shoot, I'm dead! Kise thought. "Haha... Sorry, Akashicchi. I was aiming for Murasakibaracchi," he said, nervously.

Akashi was about to throw it back at Kise when Kuroko nudged him. "Akashi-kun, may I do the honors?" he asked, looking up from his laptop.

The redhead smiled. "It's all yours." He leaned close to the smaller boy's ear and spoke in a barely audible voice, "Make it a Kai."

Kuroko nodded, put his laptop aside (closed this time), and stood.

"Shit!" Aomine said. He knew what was coming the moment Kuroko stood. He sort of understood what Kagami meant now. "Kise, you're dead! See you in the afterlife!" He moved to the other side of the room and saluted. "You've fought well, soldier."


Midorima pushed up his glasses. "Divine retribution."

"Bye, Kise-chin," Murasakibara said.


Akashi passed the ball to Kuroko who immediately spun around and sent the pillow cycloning towards the blond. "Ignite Pass Kai!"

The moment the pillow made impact with Kise's stomach, he fell over and knocked out, his last words being, "Kurokocchi... Why...?"

"Anyone else want a taste?" Akashi asked.

The remaining Miracles furiously shook their heads.

"Then go to bed."

They scrambled to get into their futons. Murasakibara and Midorima peacefully obeyed the emperor's orders. Midorima took off his glasses and placed them next to his pillow. Aomine dragged Kise to his grave (futon), placed him in the grave, put his pierced headstone (pillow) under his head, and buried him (in blankets) before getting into his own futon. It was the least he could do for his poor teammate who was unfortunate enough to cross Akashi, which also meant crossing Kuroko. On the other hand, Kuroko plugged in his laptop before getting into his futon, which was next to Akashi's. He planned to wake up earlier than everyone to write.

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