Coming to life. (Twilight - Edward&Jake Mpreg story)

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Jacob's pov.

Year 2016.

I can't believe that it has been over a year, since it happened.
I remember it as if it was yesterday.
My friend Bella and I were at this movie theater where I noticed the Cullen family. They had just moved back to forks, anyway Bella and I were laughing at something Charlie and dad said earlier. They gossip like old hens.
As I looked up I was met with the most shiny and golden eyes I have ever seen, and just as our eyes met, it happened.
I was no longer my own being, every string I had that connected me to my friends and family were now wired to him. Yes a him... Bella and my father was the only ones whom knew I was gay. Well that's not true, my best friends and pack mates knew to, but it was an accident when I let it slip. But they didn't judge me. I wasn't the only one so they couldn't say anything about it either.
But I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life. Those eyes. Wow I could drown in them if he would ever let me. As soon as that thought left my head, I thought about that he's a vampire, how in the world is that going to work, was he even gay?

But he was as I later found out. Not only did I imprint, but I also found out that one of the newer Cullen's had found a mate in Bella. I would never have to loose my best friend. YAY...
Oh man getting ahead of my self again here.
But when the movie was done, Bella and I started to go out, but they stopped us, and we went to eat and talked for hours.
I found out who he was and that Bella's mate was named Liam.
Anyway I sat thinking about all the info I got in just that short amount of time.

1. His name's Edward Anthony Mason Cullen, but went by Edward Cullen.
2. He was born in 1901 and Changed in 1918, by Carlisle. The father of the coven. And that he was dying when it happened. And that he for a short period was living away from them and lived of the bad people in the world. I was saddened by the way he described those days, but was glad that he didn't feel the desire to ever do that again. 3. He had brothers. Emmett, that was mated to Rosalie/Rose. Jasper that was mated to Alice and then Liam, whom had been with the family for 25 years. He had changed him, himself. Liam had went to the college he went to and one night Edward had gone for a walk and stumbled over him laying in an ally bleeding and almost dead, but Liam had looked him in the eyes and told him to change him, apparently he had known what he was. They were extremely close, almost like twins. They often acted like that. Though Edward was 17 and Liam 18 - he was almost 19 when he "died" they looked a lot a like, only Liam was a bit bigger and had lighter hair and it was shorter. They could go as it, so they played that part here in Forks.

I told him about me being a wolf and an Alpha. That we had so many wolf's on the rez that the to alpha's had found it necessary, when I had started to show the signs of wanting to take my plase. It had taken us several days to get to an agreement and let the other brothers decide whom they waned to be with.
I ofcourse got the most of them. Maybe because they thought me worthy of them, but I got Sam's x. And today I was glad about that. But at the time I wasn't but I could understand why she picked me.

I told him that I had the responsibility over 14 other wolfs and their imprints. That we had built a huge house by our own hands, several years ago. And found out that it was actually really close to their house. Since we lived just by the border.

I told him of how my father died 3 years ago, but found it peaceful, since he had been in a lot of pain.

I had noticed that at first Liam looked afraid, for Bella I think. And I told him that she knew all about it, since she had had a red head and her mate, after her last year. UPS... His eyes turned black in a second and he took Bella in his lap and hugged her tight. Making sure she was okay. I looked away letting them talk and what ever they needed.
Edward and I kept talking. And by the time I went home, we were already friends. I was jumping in joy about that. He told me that he found his mate in me to. But we both waned to take it slow.

To tell the pack and talk to Sam was hard, but I got it done. My pack stood by me and I couldn't be more happy. Well that's not true, I'm more happy now than I was a year ago. Now I had the man I love more than anything in the entire world. We had been together for 7 months now. And a lot has has happened in that time. Bella and Liam are now proud parents of twins - Tia and EJ. EJ was named after Edward and I. I cried when I was told. But sadly Bella had to be changed after that. We got a chock when Embry imprinted on Tia. Bella was mad as hell. But it happened after to months when he came over. But she's fine with it now.

I found out yesterday that I was expecting myself. I was in chock for hours.
I had felt weird for days, but didn't think anything of it until I felt a flutter in my belly.
And now I had to tell my worried man. But I thought we needed to be sure and talk to Carlisle.......

Coming to life. (Twilight - Edward&Jake Mpreg story)Where stories live. Discover now