Feling life within.

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Jake's pov.

I had been feeling weir for days now. I couldn't really explain it. It was like my body was trying to tell me something, but I just didn't know what it was.

I found out today, when the same thing happened to one of my pack-mates, and It was announced at the pack meeting. Kyle and Dave, were expecting. I asked Dave how he knew, and it was the exact same way I had been feeling. But the funny part was, that I hadn't shifted for a while since I had felt weird. But after the meeting I did, and the wolf side of me just knew. I sniffed my stomach and I could smell the sweet sent of woods, vanilla, lavender and fresh cooked breed. The last to was from Edward, it was his smell. I could even feel it move, in this form. I trotted slowly towards mine and Edwards house. Not that far away from the Cullen's. (My pack was still living in the huge house. But Edward and I waned a place where we could just be us.)

When I was almost there I called for him to come out.

He came out slowly and grinned at me when he saw I was still wolf. Somehow he found this side of me endearing. He kissed my head. "Hi love, why are you still in this form" he asked.

'I need you to close your eyes and breathe in. Tell me what you smell around me' I thought to him. I didn't know how to tell him. So thought it would be the best way to let him find out himself. So as not to worry him to much.

"Uhmm okay! I smell you, the woods, your pack, and uhm....... how can that be... hmm maybe.... I smell your scents combined inside you... But how, we haven't been together for almost a week." (Whispered)

'I found something out today.... Uhm how to tell him this..... Feel my belly... Dam that sounded weird.... But just do it' (Not said to him, but still thought's)

He did what I asked him to do, and froze. He stood with his hands on my wolfs belly for about 20 minutes I think. But he unfroze when I felt something well our baby move. He looked at me and looked quite puzzled.

"How can that be?" He asked.

'Uhm well as far as I just found out I'm not the only one. Well, uhm, I read trough some of our papers that was in our records. I found out that 2 from the last packs imprinted on a man, and this happened to them to. And since we both are bottoms at times, and since your a vampire and can't change, I'm the one to do it. I have the papers in the small bag for Carlisle to look at, I want him to look me over and stuff.'

"Wow...... Good idea. Go change love, and I will call him" He kissed the top of my head and sat on the stairs, by or home and took his phone out as I was about to bite the cord I had around my leg so the bag would fall down. I didn't listen to what he said but still heard his murmurs on the phone, while I got my pants on.

As I walked up to him he hung up. "He can take a look right now. If we want. But we have to go to the hospital, till he can get the stuff we would need for it to be done at home." I nodded and we left in his car....

~~~~~~~ After the visit to the hospital ~~~~~~~~~

I sat in the car still in chock. Edward had to carry me down to the car. Carlisle sat in the back of the car, since he was almost done with his shift when we came. And he wanted to keep a look out for me. Since the minute he told me I was right and that we were expecting twins, and that it looked like I was about 3 months along. And Edward mentioned that I didn't smell any different till just about a week ago. They did the math and made it to that I would only be expecting for about a month, since it was a 3part kid. Human/vamp/shifter. So we would have to keep a good eye on them. He ordered the needed tings he had to get at home and we left together. I don't know why but I was really having trouble coming out of this funk I was in.

I keeps seeing a boy with glowing skin yet a bit pale comepared to his sister, black hair with bronze highlights, and green eyes, holding hands with a small bronze haired girl with my eyes and skin tone.

They were beautiful. They were laughing in our yard, while Edward was sitting on a blanket smiling at them with a hand on my belly, that was big again.

They looked to be about 5, but in my head I knew they were only about 3. I also knew that they were growing a bit faster since they were born, but a lot slower than in the womb. And a lot slower than Bella's twins.

I kept on wondering why my mind me, was pregnant again. Was it going to happen or was it just me hoping, now that I knew it could happen????

I felt Edwards hand on my thigh. I knew he was concerned for me, but I simply couldn't shake out the picture that was in my head....

Coming to life. (Twilight - Edward&Jake Mpreg story)Where stories live. Discover now