EdelWeiss [On-Going]-Prologue

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I am in a room with drawings all over the wall. I don’t know if this is real or just another dream. I saw a little girl scribbling the wall with her crayons. She has platinum blonde hair that reaches her waist. She is wearing a white dress but didn’t care to wear shoes or sandals.

I went closer to her to see what she was drawing. It looked like a white flower. Her drawing is quite cute, to tell you honestly.

I looked at her face and I notice that she looks exactly like me when I was still very young. Or maybe that really IS me? I don’t even know if I’m dreaming right now because  it seems real and familiar.

I stretched out my hand to reach her but it just went through her as if she’s not there. I’m totally in a dream, am I? Can someone wake me up?


I looked to the direction where the voice was coming from. It was a little boy about the same age with “little me”. I’m actually surprised on why I couldn’t see his face. As if his face is ripped from a page of a book. Nothing. Not even his hair, his eyes nor his mouth could be seen.

He walked closer to “little me”. “Little me” ran towards him and gave him a hug. She seems to be very happy. Her smile seemed so priceless. It made me happy to see her smile.

“Look at what I made!” She said to him. She led him to the drawing while holding his hand. They look so cute together even though they’re just children. Hihihi.

At that very moment, my vision suddenly became a bit blurry. Ugh..what’s happening? It’s becoming worse every second. I can barely see both of them.


Huh? I can hear the little boy’s voice saying my name. I can see him saying something but I just can’t hear him. So I tried to go near them despite the impediment my vision is having. Slowly, I walked towards them. I need to know what he said to the “little me”. It felt like it was something important.

When I was already that close to them, everything starts to fade and disappear.. The things around me, the room and even the both of them are disappearing. Why now?

“Please don’t disappear! Not now!” I shouted while trying to reach out my hands. But, it was too late. They disappeared along with everything else.

And I woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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EdelWeiss [On-Going]-PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now