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"On your feet cutie pie."

Nightwing wanted to laugh at that name. Lois Lane on this Earth use to call him that when he was still Robin. When things still made sense. When there wasn't a shit ton of evil dictators from an alternate reality where he was dead. The worst part? he hadn't had coffee in three days. These bastards.

A punch came to his stomach, along with the not-so-good sound of his ribs breaking under Ultra-ass's fist. He'd beg Alfred for forgiveness later but.....

"Fuck you."

The collective blood was spit at Superwoman's feet, ruining her boots.

"I don't think you'll be able to do that anytime soon. Now, on your feet."

He stood up slowly, throwing a kick at the alternate world Superman, Ultraman, almost faster then he could dodge. Almost. His broken leg curse his stupidity. Superwoman sent a glare to him, raising him by the throat to Gotham's criminal crowd.

"Wow, they even got Nightwing?"

"How'd they do that? I hear he's almost as difficult to capture as the bat."

"Yes..... Nightwing......"

Superwoman threw him to the ground, almost in a thoughtful way. Her fingers made their way to his mask but his hand smacked hers away.

"You reveal my identity and I'll hunt you bastards down and rip your throats out."

she batted her eyelashes at him.

"Sweetie, you don't kill. And even if you did, I doubt you could take me."

He gave her a bloody grin.

"Why don't you ask Blockbuster. Oh wait, he's dead."

The assortment of Gotham's dirtiest shifted uncomfortably. They all remembered Nightwing's rage well, each having been its target on more then one occasion.

Superwoman stood proud and addressed the camera, where he knew his family was watching from.

Her golden lasso was still wrapped around Nightwing, with enough force he might have a shot.

"His identity is-"

Nightwing gave all his strength as his mask fell off, causing Superwoman to fall to the floor unconscious.

"Shh sweetie. No spoilers."

Ultraman rushed him, but he was clumsy. He ran on kryptonite crack, which he hadn't had for almost three days. Even still, he had Bruce's strength and his good-old X-ray vision. Man did he need a vacation. Using what remained of his agility, he flipped off Ultraman's back, effectively pushing him to the floor and landing near where he knew they'd placed his utility belt now if Owlman would stay out of the-

Nightwing narrowly dodged an Owl-rang to his neck.

Nope, never mind.

"You know, I always hated owls. Big, mean-"

He landed a roundhouse to Owlman's head, temporarily stunning him.

"Annoying. You freaks wondered why I didn't join you. Seriously, you guys need a fashion do-over."

Picking up the fallen Owl-rang, he threw it at Owlhead's stomach where it leaked crimson life. It could bleed out and kill the dude, but that wasn't his problem at the moment.

He grabbed Owlman's utility belt and rummaged through it.

"Portable bazooka, cool!"

Ultraman looked like he was going to get up, so Dick fired it at his chest where it left a hole. Superman had a healing factor, didn't he?

At this point, Lantern-Two, Flash-Wimp, and Ghost-Rider-Reject realized they'd have to actually attack and rushed him at the same time. He couldn't keep this up forever. The adrenaline was already leaving his body in a slow, painful, way. His broken leg and ribs were effecting his vision and his head was spinning with flying baby Batmans all over the place. It was a really disturbing image. Lantern-Two trapped him in some-lock thing that was really  weak compared to Hal's construct, but still strong enough to subdue his broken form. He focused his blue eyes on the floor, trying to keep his head in reality and focused. Needless to say, he was failing. At that exact moment, the Titans and Batfamily fell through the roof like falling angels.

Dick blinked several times to make sure the light wasn't playing tricks on him.

There was Jason, Red Helmet gleaming and guns smoking.

There was Tim, gracefully flying down with the sunlight reflecting off his makeshift wings.

There was Superboy, taking on Ultraman with the help of Wondergirl.

There was Bruce, taking on an Owlman with his "I may not kill but I can hurt you really really badly."

There was Selina, claws out and whip making its way around the battlefield.

There was Barbra, there was Wally, there was Roy.

'They came, they really came.'

He saw Green-Wimp become distracted by the onslaught of Bats and fought the cage. He needed to help his family, even if it meant breaking every bone in his body (not that there was many left whole.)

The cage dropped him onto his broken leg and he cried in pain. Jason and Wally ran towards him, cursing him in a variety of different languages (since when did Jason know German?).

"Fuck you, Dickhead."

Dick gave a wide smile as they lifted him up and carried him towards the Batplane, noises and vision blurring until it became incoherent.

"Love you too, Baby bro."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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