As i stare at the women in the desk i am thinking that its all over. By the look on her face she doesn't like children. They suggested me because i;m quite and sit in my room all day reading. I've been in the orphanage for 7 years and they really want to get rid of me, they think that i am depressed, and i do say i am. I'm mean its only been three months since they died and these stupid people expect me to have gotten over it, I mean i dont think there parents were shot in front of them. Ok i might just calm down a bit but really they think that I will be all bright and bubbly but if they really expect me to they are just idiots. I have made one friend ... the janitor, she understands me i don't know why though her parents are still arrive but when iever i start to cry cause the other kids tease me i just go to her and she fixes it. most people don't know but she is also the cook so if i get sad she puts chilli in there food, it makes me feel better watching them freak out and expect that water makes it better (it doesn't though). I guess i will write tomorrow, as my mum used to say TOODLES.