Don't forget the day we got close
When I needed some one
You where there
My world was falling apart
But you didn't ask questions
You just stayed by my side
And was there to listen
If I needed you tooDon't forget when you held me close
I wanted more but you didn't know
That look you gave me before we left
That feeling we got
But never acted
I wanted to kiss you
And you did too
but we parted ways
And never got tooDon't forget all our fights
Our love hate relationship
Seemed to feel right
Few are the people that I can trust
But your one I can trust with my lifeDon't forget graduation day
The last chance we had
But neither of us took a chance
We both regret what we didn't do
But I'm a mom
And your in the air force
To late we realized what we actually meantDon't forget your my best friend
So far apart and never together
Across the world is where you will be
Flying through countries
And overseas
While I'm at home with family
A husband and baby with me
Our lives so different then we thoughtPlease don't forget me
No matter were we go
Whatever we do
Just always know
I love you