Chapter 1

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A/N: The picture above is of Andrew in his school uniform.
    Tyler sighed his eyes scanning the world outside the car window. He was 17, and a few months away from becoming an adult in society. His hands ran through his hair as his mom turned to him, "Honey? We are here. You're spacing again." She said her voice gentle. She had light brown hair and beautiful green eyes that popped when she wore purple or green tops. She was fair toned and her face was flawless.

   Tyler looked the same, he had short hair that was brown and fell into his hazel eyes a little. His features were handsome with a strong jawline and fuller lips than most guys. He was also popular, even though he didn't drive himself to school he was still considered the most popular kid in school. Girls flocked to him, he didn't mind it really. He liked the attention but he knew that when the year was out it wouldn't matter. "Yea mom...thanks for the ride." He leaned to her and pecked her cheek before getting out of the car.

  He straightened his school uniform and slid his bag over his shoulder. He walked up to the large school he had been going to for three years. His best friend Andrew waited for him at the gate a bright smile on his face. "Hey!" He called out his voice still a little too high pitched for a 17 year old.

   Tyler smiled and walked up to him, "Hey! You're here really early today. Usually you don't come till an hour or two after the bell rings." He laughed and Andrew pouted.

   "That's not my fault!!! My car is a piece of shit. What do you expect?" He asked walking through the gates towing Tyler behind him.

   They were an odd pair. Tyler was an honor student even though he didn't look like it and Andrew was a delinquent. Andrews hair was died blonde and he had a few piercings in his ears. Oddly enough Tyler never cared about that label, delinquent. Everyone always asked him why he hung out with Andrew, but as childhood friends he couldn't have just cut ties with him. That would have been cruel, even for him.

   They walked through the large double doors to their school. The entry way was lined with lockers and kids as they took off their outside shoes to put on the clean school shoes. Tyler walked to his locker which was the furthest away from Andrews and he slipped off his sneakers. He heard girls giggling behind him and he simply shook his head. Sluggishly he put on his new shoes and adjusted his uniform.

   He felt a hand clap his shoulder and he jumped. "Are you ready to go? Why so jumpy?" Andrew asked a smile on his lips as he grabbed his books and walked up to the hallway. He waited patiently as Tyler grabbed his own books and walked up to him. They had almost every class together, and it worked out. Andrew kept the girls away by trying too hard to flirt with them and Tyler kept Andrew in line when he wanted to fight with someone.

When they were both finally ready to go Andrew turned to leave and go to home room. They were in class A3, nothing special. There was about 20 kids in the class with them and almost everyone knew each other. When they slid open the door the girls instantly stopped their chattering, their heads turned up to look at them. Tyler sighed a little unamused by the act whereas Andrew brightened up holding his head up a little higher. Their homeroom class was Calculus, a grueling class with too much work. The teacher didn't make it any better.

As Tyler walked to his seat the sliding door opened once more to show their old teacher Mr. Sasaki. He was in his sixties and he was rather short. He was Japanese like most of the kids here but he still looked out of place. He walked to the front of the class and slammed his calculus book down on his desk causing a girl to scream. Really it wasn't shocking, he did this every morning. "Sit down." he said sternly to Tyler and a few other stragglers who were coming in right at the bell.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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