Chapter One

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I looked out the window dreamily. Oh the outside. How I do long for that feeling to be able to touch you for more than one minute. "Vic who was one of the people that started World War 2?"

I startled out of my day dream and looked at my teacher mum, or shall I say Mrs. Fuentes. I registered the question she asked me and thought of an answer. I wasn't paying attention at all. "Um... Gandhi?" I gave her a slight smile.

That's right I am home schooled and my mum is the teacher. I've been home schooled most of my life. I think I've only ever been to public school for 3 years, till I got pulled out because of some events. Ever since then I've been here, not able to know other people or say hello to the outside world.

My mum gave me a disapproving look. "Come on, Vic. You really need to pay attention. We're gonna have a test on this Monday."

I rolled my eyes slightly and groaned. "I know the answer."

I looked over at Mike and smiled. Mike is my brother. He is the one that's been with me forever. I love him so much. I have no idea what I'm going to do without him. "Hitler." He did the Nazi salute and I began to laugh.

My mum nodded her head disapprovingly. "Michael Christopher Fuentes that is not funny. Vic don't encourage him." She started rubbing her eyes and Mike gave me a secret wink that made me blush and look down at my desk.

Our mum has wanted to be a teacher so she got a degree and did our homeschooling. We have to wake up early like any other public school and we have a special room with desks and a white board designated for it. She even has posters of everything that deals with education. She just can't seem to get enough of the fact of her being a teacher. "But, I'm right yeah?"

My mum just rolled her eyes after silently nodding in agreement. She then started to babble on about something that I didn't care about, again. I was about to start my dazing once again when I received a sheet of folded notebook paper on my desk. I looked down at it and looked at Mike who was writing down things that my mum was saying, most likely taking notes. I knew it was him who made gave me the note for two reasons. 1) He's always been good at sneakily doing things and 2) THERE'S NO ONE ELSE HERE!

I opened the note and looked on the inside of it.

I'm bored can't wait to get out of here and have some fun. ;) ~Mike

I smiled and looked at Mike. He looked back at me and winked. I blushed and thoughts started creeping inside of my mind. Wait, what thoughts. I then responded.

What can you possibly do that's fun. We don't do anything, remember. We just stay home and be boring people.~Vic

Just trust me, little Viccy. ~Mike

I'm not little and what the hell are you talking about. ~Vic I was about to give him the note back but my mum's voice grew louder, causing me to cringe at her outburst. "Well as I said earlier, this stuff will be on your test Monday! Study well."

I looked over at our clock on the wall and saw that our "school" session is over for today. Thank you, because I hate this. It reminds me so much of a life I don't have.

She walked out of the "classroom" and left me and Mike alone. Mike was already out of his desk. All I could do was smirk. "About time. Now they just need to leave."

"Mike, mum and dad aren't leaving."

I was just about to get up and leave when Dad walked into the room. "Hey Kids. Me and your mom are going out."

"Going out? Where?" I looked at Mike. He was smiling. What did he know? "I thought today was your day off."

"It is." My dad responded.

I saw my mum walk down from the stairwell in a beautiful dress and noticed my dad wasn't in a business suit but a dress tux. "We're going out on the town."

My jaw dropped. This is so unfair. How can they just leave us here? And alone! I thought they cared about our safety. They can't care if they're out having a fucking night on the town. I object! "I fucking object!" I yelled out unintentionally.

"Victor Vincent Fuentes!" My dad rose his voice.

I inwardly rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, language. I know. Come on. It's not fair. You guys just can't go out. And leave us! Both Of You Gone! Yet, we can't go to p-" I felt a hand cover my mouth and looked up and saw Mike with a smile on his face.

"You two have a great night. Vic is just stressed out from learning."

"And your mother is too. You guys can just rest why me and your mother go have fun. They opened the door and left locking the door."

Mike let go of me and I stepped back from him. "What the hell!" I hit him, which accomplished nothing because he some how managed to be stronger and have way much sexier muscles than me. Wait what the fuck? Yeah he's stronger.

"Listen to me okay."

I sighed and crossed my arms in annoyance. He better have a good reason for my protest. "What?''

"We're leaving."

"What do you mean leaving?"

"As in we're getting outside of this house and we're going some where."

"How can we go some where. We can't go anywhere. We have weird alarm things that can detect our DNA if we open the door and it alerts mum and dad about it. They'll rush home immediately."

"Taken care of."

"What did you do?"

"I kinda found out the password to the scanning alarm and turned it off."


"I dismantled it with a screw driver."

"Where'd you get a screw driver!"

"There are some things you just don't ask, little brother."

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