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I take a good look at my avatar. It's just like my real body at home. Except it was all digital.

I'm wearing exactly what I wore the last time I was here: a long, black coat, black pants, combat boots, and a blackish-grayish tee shirt. To top it off, I have have my sword holder, which still caries my sharp and deadly sword.

I realize that I'm going to need a place to sleep and get some food. But what town here has a job opening? I reach my hands out a little, and a map pops up out of nowhere-just like it did last time.

There a three red icons, or towns. There is one called The Town of Beginnings, Miya, and Skull. According to the map, I was in The town of Beginningd.

The towns are all different, the levels aren't the same amount. Everything is even more deadly than last time. That's how the original creator wanted it: nearly impossible.

'But I'll find a way through this,' I remind myself. 'I just have to keep my head in the game. Nothing can stop me. Not even some freak guys son.'

I tap The Town of Beginning's icon. In a range of options, I see 'job openings' and tap it. I can either be a waiter at a restaurant, or I can be a night patroller between this town and Miya.

I give myself a little half smile. Even though I could make a ton if money in tips, protecting a town would be just like being back in a guild again. So I press accept.

'Once I get some money, I start playing solo again,' I tell myself. 'Then I'll get some allies.'

The first time I ever came here, I was always playing solo. It was easier that way, because others always go in the way. But this time, I'm gonna have to have stop going solo. Too many people at risk.

"Thank you for your support. Meet at the edge town tonight at 8:00 pm sharp." My screen tells me. Then I click on my account.

"Your total amount is 10.50 coal." I sign.

"That's only enough to get my through maybe one fair sized meal." As much as I hate to do this, I go back to job openings click 'waiter: 5 hour shift only'.

"Okay, it's 2:30, so 5 hours shouldn't get in the way of patrolling."

And now I'm dragging my feet to the little restaurant.


'It's almost closing time. Just 3...2...1..."

Then the lights dim. And I know it's time to leave. I quickly run past the three other works who had to be waiters as well.

It's 7:30. The sky is already dark blue and filled with stars.

Once I see a little wooden bench, I go to sit down. I pull a little leather bag from my pocket and pore out a bunch of digital coins. Then I reach me hand out and click account.

"You have 30 coal." It says.

Just a little more, and I can rent a crappy hotel. Then I'll need to get real house. And I can just hunt for food.

Suddenly,the plaza is lighten up. I see a bright light shining through the sky. It appears to be a shooting star, and yet, something isn't right.

The light isn't white. It's like green and

blue fire.

"What the h*ll is that?" I look a closer at the light. It appears to be a figure of a person. It shoots past the town and into the nearby forest.

"What is this?"

I scrape all the coins back into the bag and start running. It's going slow, but it still takes me a while before I'm under it. But just when I get directly beneath it, I stop.

Kirito and Sachi-Back in the Death Games ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now