Chapter 13: Happy Birthday To Me

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I woke up the next morning and for a brief second forgot everything that has happened to me in these last few months. Obviously that didn't last at all when all the crazy thaughts came rushing back.

My birthday was coming up and my mom has been acting really secretive. Thinking that I don't know about the surprise parties she throws me every year, I ignore it to make her happy. Last year, I caught her sneaking steamers and balloons into the garage, but I said nothing about it because doing these kinds of things made her happy.

"Hey, Lena! Wait up," Joe called as I was walking to my locker. Did he just call me by a nickname? Lena?

"Oh, hey, what's wrong? It wasn't another phone call, right—" I asked becoming troubled. He put a hand on my shoulder and said, "No, nothing like that. I just wanted to ask what you wanted for your birthday." Aw, he remembered that my birthday was coming up in 3 days! I blushed and replied, "No, you don't have to get me anything." While explaining the fact that I didn't want any gifts, I opened my locker and a role of toilet paper spilled out!

Weird enough, the toilet paper had writing on it. On each section of toilet paper it read: "Happy Birthday! Can't wait to break you." I was terrified. Someone went through all of this trouble to scare me. Joe looked confused and scared at the same time. He gave me an unsettling look of concern. "Lena, I'm so sorry! The cops will figure this out I promise." He took my hand and I put the role in my bag to show the police officer at my house.

I couldn't believe that something like this had just happened. Joe tried to comfort me, but I sat unsettled at my desk taking notes. Who would want to kill me? After class, Joe walked me home, "Im sorry for what happened today, at least you'll enjoy my gift."

"Ooh, what is it?" I had to admit that him getting me a gift did cheer me up. "It really wouldn't be much of a gift if I told you that, would it?" Anxious for my gift, I suddenly hugged him without even thinking about it. I hoped he was okay with it and it turns out he was more than okay. He pulled out of the hug and pecked me on the lips. "C'mon, I'll walk you home," he smirked.

I got home and walked up to my room. For some reason, I felt like my life has been a romantic, mysterious, thrilling movie. So many things that I would've never guessed in a million years had just happened. Someone trying to kill me. Joe. My father.

My mother came home from work and was talking to some guy on the phone. "...That would be really fun, I can't wait—okay bye!" It was probably the guy that she stared dating. "What was that all about?" I asked while walking to the kitchen to get a sandwich. She replied, "We've been on two dates, his name is Max and he's really nice. We're having him over for dinner next weekend." Wow, okay my mother was actually getting in a serious relationship. I would've never guessed that either.

She told me more about Max and I listened trying not to sound bored out of my mind. I really didn't mind that she was dating. Not like all those girls in the movies who forbid their parents from dating and actually having a life.


I woke up the next morning with the mentality that hopefully it wasn't my birthday, but I couldn't avoid the day. I bet when I was born, I never expected crap like this to happen to me. My mother was acting so secretive, like I didn't know there was gonna a birthday party. I got to school and I walked with some of my other friends. Jade was the main person I hung out with but then there's my other friends that I talk to but don't spend lots of time with.

I got like 2 gifts from a couple of people and I didn't see Joe all day. I sound like some needy girlfriend, even though we haven't made it official...yet.

I saw Joe walking to his car, but when he saw me he practically jumped into the car and drove away. I was kind of getting upset now. I started to think a bunch of weird things that could be his excuse for this behavior.

Maybe he is tired of me? Maybe he forgot to get me a present and doesn't want to tell me? Maybe he has a girlfriend? Maybe he doesn't even like me anymore? Does he know what really happened with my father?

I don't know why I go to the worst case scenario. While I was walking home, I past a certain point in my mind where I imagine myself never meeting Joe. I hated it. I didn't like anybody else because all of the boys were jerks, but Joe was never like that.  That's why I'm in love with him.

As I turned the key into my house, I jumped back with my heart practically stopping!

A/N: Sry it took me so long to post. I've been busy wit finals and everythin.

Thx for reading my book. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😷♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️Kisses...

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