The Rains Falling

63 4 1

The Rains Falling hard on the roof, dripping down the edges.
The Rains Falling hard to the ground, seeping into the barely noticeable openings.
The Rains Falling hard into the river, going down the shallow stream.
The Rains Falling hard into the water barrel, going out the cracks that are in it.
The Rains Falling hard on the animals below, chilling them to the bone.
The Rains Falling hard on to the people below in their rain jackets, getting them soaked.
The Rains Falling hard into the boat, filling it with water.
The Rains Falling hard onto the hot side walk, turning them into gas as they first touch the ground.
The Rains Falling hard onto the icy surface, turning into the same icy thing as they hit the ground.

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