The Truth

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" W-w-hy are y-y-ou doing this " cried a 6 year old boy with black hair and blue eyes with 3 pairs of whisker marks " DONT ACT INNOCENT YOU KILLED ARE FAMILY'S YOU DEMON DIE " yelled a village as he stabbed the poor boy with a knife with other villagers even some shinobi were helping " SOMEONE HELP ME " cried out the boy his call was answer when as he saw everyone catch into flames he looked up an saw a figure looking down at him then the figure pick him up a took him to the hospital.
" were am I " said the boy as he walked straight ahead a ran to a cake with a paper on it that said " seal " " so it's you kid " said someone " who's there " said the boy " look up " said the person the boy looked up and saw a giant fox " so do you now me yet boy " said the giant fox " no but my name is naruto " said naruto with a smile " your not scared of me " ask the giant fox " no it doesn't matter how big scary or ugly you are its what matter that's on the inside " said naruto as he smiled " well when I tell you who I am you might get scared I am the kyuubi " said the kyuubi " your the kyuubi I'm kind still not as scared but a little " said naruto " you got guts kid I'll give you that not many people can stand up to me like that so I give you respect " smiled kyuubi " so what am I doing here any way " asked naruto " two reasons now 1 you got knocked the 2 since you got my respect I want to make you an offer I can give you the rinnagan and sharigan an train you but you have to stay alive an try to find a way to get me out without killing you " said kyuubi " ok I'll take that offer but when do I get them " asked naruto " well I can give to you an you suffer a major head an eye vision for a week or wait a year up to but are times almost up " said kyuubi " I'll take it now I can take the pain " said naruto as he woke up ' there is a mental link I made so we can talk just thank what you want to say ' said kyuubi ' ok ' thought naruto " naruto are you ok " asked someone " yes who are you " asked naruto as he looked at the person " figure they didn't teach you my name is orochimaru and I'm part of the three sannin " said orochimaru  " so your the one that saves me thanks by the way " said naruto as he got up but feel over " ow " said naruto orochimaru help him up " be careful you only been in here for one day. Can you walk ? " asked orochimaru as help naruto " yeah my legs just went numb thanks " said naruto " so we're are you heading " asked orochimaru " to the hokage tower " said naruto as he fell again " let me help you there " said orochimaru as he picked him up and took him there.         
                       Hokage tower
" so what can I do for you naruto " asked ( I'm just going to say hokage until I can look the name cause I have been holding this chapter to long ) hokage " I want to join the ninja academy " said naruto " sure I'll put paper work in " said hokage  as naruto walk out with the help of orochimaru to get to the ramen stand when they naruto order his food " so orochimaru-San " said naruto " just call me orochimaru " ok so orochimaru why didn't the hokage  tell me about the kyuubi in me " said naruto orochimaru stop eating " how do you know about that " asked orochimaru  " when knocked out I meet him an he made a deal you have to promise me you want tell anyone " said naruto orochimaru promised an he told him the deal that he made " ok so you have to wait a week to get them mmmm interesting I guess I'll train you whit a few friends meet me in a week at forest of death ok " said orochimaru as he vanished.

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