Chapter 5

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Still Ariel POV.....

2 days later....

I wake up to my screaming alarm clock. I get up and take a shower, I dry myself and start to look for clothes. " YO ALEX WHATS THE TEMP" I yell for he can hear me.

" It's going to be 70s" he screams back up. I grab my light blue caprice, and my zodiac tank top. I grab my backpack and head downstairs.

I go to the kitchen to grab a apple. I walk out the door, to see Carter in her new car her parents got her. I jump in the car and we start driving to school. When I jump in she comment about my top.

We walk into school to see everybody staring again like Friday. What I do this time? Carter and I walk to my lockers. I grab my notebook and a drawing pad. That's when my locker close shut. I look to see Ivy, the most sluttiest bitchiest girls of them all. She has about sleep with the whole Football, soccer,rugby, basketball team, and she was Blake's ex-girlfriend.

"Hey Fatass, what were you doing with my boyfriend last Friday, isn't that the day you gain 10 more pounds." She say laughing. She knew how to get to me, using how I was fat when I was little. I haven't lost all of it I was a few pounds over weight now. But the way she said it...oh I'm about to pound this bitch.

" it...why don't you shut your big ass blabbering mouth up and go check again with your ex-boyfriend, because last time I recalled, he dumped you" I say as I get into her face. She gasp at what I said to her and pushed me.

I fall to the ground, to see a smirk appear on her face. " I think Gravity is quitting on you, honey" she says laughing while people start to gather around, laughing at me.

Oh hell to the nah, this bitch. I punch her right in her fake ass plastic face. She held her check and starts coming at me when she's pulled away by Aaron. Aaron was one of the players from the Rugby team.

"Let go of me Aaron, I'm about to whoop this girl" Ivy yells to Aaron. Ivy finally settles down and Aaron lets go of her.

I grab my stuff from the floor that I drop when she pushed me. I can hear foot steps running. I look up to see Carter...oh shit run. I start to run toward the exit. But as always Carter always catches up to me. When she does catch up to me, she smacks my head.

" Now Ariel what have I said about GETTING INTO FIGHTS" she yells at me. I simply nod my head. She sighs. " Ariel.... member when I said ' to not let them get to you'." She says and I nod.

" I know...but the way she said it....oh I wanted to... You don't even know." I say whispering.

"Ok how about we go out to eat at lunch time" well that make you feel better?" I nod quickly.
"Ok squirt, now go to class" she says. I start to walk to class.


I know it's short but....yea that's all I got. I sorry if theirs any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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Bye peeps✌🏻️💥

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