How Do I Live?

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How Do I Live?

Chapter 1

Caleb’s P.O.V.

            The vampire sunk his fangs into Jonas’ neck, and I could tell the blood was draining from Jonas’ body. The life he had was slowly fading away. The last thing he saw before his eyes shut was me crying. Jonas’ body went limp and his heart stopped beating forever. Jonas was now dead.

            I broke down crying when I saw Jonas’ body drop to the ground. I sprinted over to his now lifeless body and hugged his body to mine. His skin was already becoming cooler. I hid my face in the shirt Jonas was wearing, and it soon became soaked. Everyone was surrounding me now and was telling me to get off of Jonas. I held onto his lifeless body, wishing that he was still alive. Emma pulled me off and dragged me to the other side of the field.

            “What the hell is your problem Caleb? You just made Jonas get killed! Do you know what you just did to everyone? I can’t fucking believe you! You were supposed to get married to him today, but you go and cheat on him! With his brother to be exact! If you weren’t busy being a whore and actually thought about what you were doing, then we wouldn’t be in this situation! You’re a fucking first class whore. You were the cause of all this. Fuck you!” Emma turned and walked away, leaving me there all by myself.

            I screwed my life up, and now I could never get it back. Emma was right; I was a first class whore and a bitch. I can see people huddling over Jonas’ body and crying. The one thing I wasn’t going to tell anybody was how I saw Jonas’ spirit go into the sky when his body dropped. His spirit was looking at me with saddened eyes. I felt our wolves get torn apart and knew that his wolf spirit was going to a new born pup. I was not ready to live a life without Jonas.

            Everyone left the field, and I was the only one left. Dr. Joe had to bring Jonas’ body to the morgue. I slowly walked back to the pack house in pouring rain. By the time I got to the house, it was already 7 P.M. I walked up to mine and Jonas’ room and collapsed on the bed. This was the only thing that could bring me closer to him. I knew I was going to Hell for what I did. There was a knock on my door, and then Josh walked in. I could tell he was crying. His face was tear-streaked and his eyes were a dark color.

            “Hi Josh. Are you okay?” He glared at me and shook his head.

            “Why are you even asking? I saw my father get killed, and you’re asking if I’m okay! What the hell kind of mother are you?” Josh was breathing heavy and his hands were clenched in fists.

            “Josh, I’m sorry. You don’t have to use that tone of voice with me though. It’s rough on everyone; not just you. How do you think it feels to have seen my mate get killed and I didn’t do anything to stop it? Tell me. He was the only one I could trust completely, and I saw him get killed. I know the vampire that killed him. You don’t think that this is tearing me apart? I lost my true mate on the day we were supposed to get married. Tell me how you think I feel.”

            “It’s you’re fault though mom! Dad sent me a message right before his entire life was gone. You were the one who made him get killed. I know everything that happened. You said you didn’t love him anymore, but yet you sit here crying like you care! You’re a disgrace to this whole pack. I can’t even look at you.”

            “Joshua Scott Green that is no way to talk to me. You don’t even know what happened alright! I suggest you go to your room and think about what you just did.” He was glaring at me and was beginning to shake. He looked exactly like Jonas did when he was about to transform.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2011 ⏰

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