Chapter 6; car trouble

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Chapter 6; car trouble 

I'd say it's about noon. I now have to guess because yesterday my clock broke. Now and till the end of this car it will always be 3 AM. I think it's kind of cool, no checking to see how long I've been out here, and nothing can go wrong at 3 AM. Well maybe that's not the wisest ting I've ever said because most things do go wrong at 3 AM.

I've been passing winery's and orchard's for the past 10 miles and it doesn't seem to be stopping when all of a sudden smoke starts coming out of my truck. I pull over and pop the hood. Boiling smoke poured out and I couldn't see anything.

How am I supposed to know how to fix this?! All I know is how to change a freaking tire not how to fix a smoking car. And how am I going to pay for this? It's going to take all that I have and even then some if I have to order parts. My life freaking sucks

Just as I think that a truck pulls over right behind my van. And a man about my age gets out. He's wearing boots and a red plad shirt and one of those big cowboy hats. Where the hell am I? Wyoming? But it might just be the fumes but as he got out i couldn't help myself but to check him out.

"Well this doesn't look good. Do you need any help?" He asks

"No I'm fine" I say and turn around. The last thing I need is him hanging around. I'll just call a towing company

"Well it kind of looks like you do. Do you have someone to come pick you up? Family?" Nope sorry partner some of us are that lucky

"I can call for a tow thanks for helping" I say, I don't trust him. But I don't trust a lot of people

"Well ok if you really want to wait but the only person who can do that is mirl and he can't be out here for an hour, I know I just saw him. Now I can drive you into town so at least your now stuck in the heat while you wait"

"No thanks, like I said ill call" I tell him again. What is wrong with me?! He's being so nice and I'm just acting terrible.

"Whatever you say miss but I can't just leave you here like this" he says leaning on the car

"And why not?"

"Because I'd be ungentlemanly of me and if I don't mirl will never get here"

"Thanks but I still don't need your help"

"And why is that" he asks with a smirk I just want to wipe of his smug face

"Because I've been doing fine on my own"

"Are your sir it's not because you think I'm some perv?" He asks

"I don't know you, how am I supposed to know?"

"It's called being kind" he says "just like I am when I just don't automatically assume you're a slut" he says as I can feel heat rising to my cheeks, he chuckles at my embarrassment. How could he say that to a complete stranger?

"I am not! Not like a man whore like you would know the difference"

" you should stop guessing about me, your very bad because your wrong again, I'm not a man whore at least for my girlfriend's sake I hope I'm not"

"Oh please all men are"

"That's a pretty bleak look on life. Yeah know men like being in relationships just as much as girls do and not for the reason your thinking"

"It doesn't matter; why are you still here please leave" I say

"Ok if that's what you want" he goes to his truck. "You sure you'll be ok?"

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