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✨ Picture above of Jungkook's work outfit ✨

Okay so after a long time, I am finally updating. Comments and votes are appreciated! Enjoy.

Jungkook's POV
What if I'm dying right now and seeing my whole life flash before my eyes? I think to myself in the shower. I widened my eyes and stopped what I was doing. My life was really boring then. I shrugged not really caring wand continued scrubbing my back.
My thoughts drifted to Taehyung. Maybe he would come by the cafe again. Hopefully he would, I can't deal with another day of nothing eventful happening. With that thought, I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. Looking in my closet, I grabbed a plain black shirt and basketball shorts then went to bed.

The next morning, I felt refreshed, which is odd since I hate waking up and getting ready. After putting on my work uniform, I went into the kitchen to make some cereal. When I finished my cereal I locked my door and left my house.

When arriving at work, I immediately see Jin talking to a costumer or what more looks like flirting with him. The man he was talking to was tall, had white or silver messy hair, and was wearing a black shirt with blue designs.

Deciding not to interupt them, I wait for Jin's shift to be over by waiting in the back where the employees keep their belongings

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Deciding not to interupt them, I wait for Jin's shift to be over by waiting in the back where the employees keep their belongings. After waiting for a little while longer, Jin finally walked through the doors.
"Who's the guy you were talking to? New boy toy?" I asked smirking.
"What no," Jin blushed. "He's just a friend I made, and his name is Namjoon!"
"Yeah okay sure. Well I'm going to start my shift, bye," I jumped off the chair I was sitting on and waved to Jin. I grabbed my name tag and tied the apron behind my back and left to go work the cashier.

After working until 3:00pm, it was nearing the end of my shift and there was still no sign of Taehyung. There was one last costumer that came before my shift ended, so I helped them and took their order. To say I was disappointed was an understatement, I was hoping to see Taehyung today, but my luck ran out and work ended up being the usual; boring. Other than when a lady dropped her coffee onto another women at around noon, which ended up in a heated argument that I had to break up, this day was completely wasted with me getting greedy to see Taehyung.

When I left the cafe, I decided to stop by the house with the flowers. While walking, I could feel the wind going through my hair and the sun's warmth shining down on my head, making the way there very peaceful and relaxing.

I turned the familiar street corner and walked towards the abandoned house. I sat myself in front of a cherry blossom tree and closed my eyes enjoying the soothing atmosphere. After resting my eyes for a few minutes, I decided to go towards the rose bushes. I inspected the roses by carefully touching them and turning them over to find the perfect ones to take home with me.
"What are you doing?" A low booming voice said, making me turn around quickly. My eyes widened right away when I saw the one and only Taehyung standing over me.
"Taehyung?" I asked, "What are you doing here?"
"I asked you first," Taehyung replied. "Wait, are you the person who keeps stealing my roses from the garden?"
"What?" Realization creeped into my head. "I'm sorry, I pick them everyday, I had no idea anyone lived here."
"Yeah, well I do and I'm missing over a hundred roses," Taehyung spoke.

I'm going to end chapter two here. Hopefully I'll update next week because I enjoy writing this story but sometimes I don't have the motivation to so please comment and vote! 🐙
- taebean

Flowers |  VkookWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt