Chapter 5 : Spill the Beans

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Turns out, the so-called emergency that had me running my way through the hospital, was not an emergency AT ALL. A 7 years old girl was playing tag with her friends and accidentally stumbled on her feet when running down the stairs and fell, spraining her right ankle, right wrist, and a couple of scraped skin here and there, quite a blow, I know.

The reason why Shizune-san called it an emergency is because the girl refused to be tended by any medic but me, she throws trashed, throwing tantrums and scream her lungs out every time they tried to aid her injuries, saying that I'm her number one idol and she's been waiting for a moment where she could see me doing medic job.

Honestly I feel touched and will most likely cry out the tears of joy if only the timing was a little bit better, meaning not ruining one of the most crucial and important moments of my life.

Okay a bit exaggeration right there but seriously, it sucked.

Despite the situation though, I still manage to heal the girl ankle and wrist and also patch her wounds while trying my best to keep my inner Sakura from releasing her wrath.

There is no need to scare the girl away, she just happen to fell of a stairs at a very wrong time. Beside, as a medic it is my duty to aid anyone that needs me.

Other than that, everything else went pretty well. I just barely enter the house when I hear voices from the dining room.

"Believe me otto-san, she even asks me to help her dressed and do her makeup, she's trying her best to impress him!!!" That's my mom, spilling all the beans to my dad.

"Knowing you, I'm pretty sure it was the other way around" That's dad, being right as always.

I walk towards the dining room slowly as mom continues
"Whatever If you don't believe me. For all I know, I'll be having a super kakkoi son-in-law and Soon enough, I'll be overwhelmed with cute grandbabies, I can't wait!!!"

Well, that got me blushing. Mom was about to go on with her imagination when Dad realize my presence in the dining room.

"There she is!" Mom exclaim. I pull the dining chair to sit as she continues
"How's your day my dear? Tell me I wanna know" She said, excitement is strong on her tone

Geez this is going to be hard for me. I take a deep breath as if it's going to help me explain better. I know mom, she didn't want only points and highlights, she wants the details, in timely order, all punctuation marks included.

By the time we finish the interrogation while eating dinner, mind you I said interrogation because Mom never fails to ask question about the very little things she could think of, the time is showing 10.30 PM

We've been sitting in the dining room for almost 2 hours. Surprisingly, I was expecting Dad to be the one that ends the conversation at the first 15 minutes but He didn't. Instead, Dad patiently sits at the head of the table, paying full attention to my story, even pipe in with "Hmm"s and "Oh"s every once in a while. I must say, that was very strange.

"Why did the poor girl need to ruin your faithful moment???" Mom exclaim, feeling a little bit annoyed. I deadpanned internally

"Mom, it was an accident. No one wants to get fall off the stairs by accident, and she is just a little girl, you should feel sympathy for her."

"Beside.." I continue, as stand up and start to collect all the dirty dishes.
"He is coming to pick me up tomorrow, we're going to Naruto's Party"

And did that doesn't bring Mom's excitement back, her eyes go wide, and seconds later she squeals jumping up and down.

"I Knew it! I knew it! My dream will soon become a reality!"

By now she is standing in front of me blocking my way to do the dishes. "Let's go shopping tomorrow you're gonna need new clothes and makeup!" She suggested, placing both of her hands on my sholder, her eyes still wide and full of anticipation.

I shake my head lightly,
"No mom, there is no need" I said, try pivoting her so I could go wash the dishes.

"But why honey? You have nothing to wear!" She insisted, trailing behind me towards the kitchen.

I roll my eyes, my mom can be a 5 years old sometimes. "It's only a housewarming party mom, I don't need anything fancy" I tried to explain.


"No mom. You know I love you, but no, I am not going to try to impress Sasuke again, and you are not going to do anything about it." I stated. My voice steady. I know better than to let mom try to dress me again, not to mention the sneaky little note she wrote to Sasuke pretend to be me earlier.

"Now can I get back to washing the dishes in peace?" I ask. Mom sigh in defeat, decided to not push any longer and I can't help but smile in amusement.


Love is the ability to understand when to let go, and when to stay. When he leaves the village, I was only a dumb gennin who can't even throw Kunai properly

I use to think that I was stupid back then. I was weak, and I let my emotion take over my decision most of the time. I can only watch him dissapear, I should have fight a harder, drag him home and tie him up even. But instead, I cried, as he walk pass me venturing on his quest of vangence. I've lost my battle even before it begins.

I didn't understand love then, and I still don't. But I do know this time for sure, I'm here to stay, I'm here to fight, and Sasuke better prepare, cause I'm not going to lose, not this time.


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