Chapter Two - I Can't Breathe

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   Author's Note; 

   Please comment your thoughts, good or bad, but keep it constructive and polite. If you read, thank you. If you read and like it, thank you very much. If you really love it, I LOVE YOU. Visit the external link for the fic's playlist! 

    PS: The cover photo is not mine, I found it on Pinterest.

    Derek woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and fresh coffee drifting in through his now-open bedroom door. He smiled, because he knew that Stiles was cooking breakfast. Before he could stop them, thoughts of a domestic life with the kid raced through his mind. He forced himself out of bed and into the kitchen, where he found Stiles slapping another pancake onto an already huge pile. The island was cluttered with every syrup that Derek had, a jar of Nutella, and some marshmellows and peanut butter. Derek took a seat and popped a marshmellow into his mouth. "I've known you for one night and you're already cooking for me. This is the start of a great relationship."

    Stiles smiled and threw a marshmellow at him. "It's the least I can do after last night."

    Derek paused, his face falling. So that's what this was. "You don't owe me anything, Stiles. I did what I did because I wanted to," he clarified. 

    "I know, it's just...There's this thing with me where I feel bad if I don't give something back when someone does something for me. And I hadn't realized that I've never really talked to anyone before, you know, about everything, and I don't know, it just felt nice. So I wanted to do something for you."

    Derek nodded to himself. "That's sweet of you. How did you sleep? I know the guest bed can be kinda lumpy."

    "Actually pretty well," Stiles said, turning off the burner and turning around to face Derek. There was a streak of pancake batter across his cheek that Derek was dying to lick off. "It's the best sleep I've gotten in a while. Thank you."

    Derek smiled beautifully. "Don't mention it. Just sit down and help me eat this. We can get fat together." Stiles took a seat across from Derek, forking a few pancakes onto a plate and handing it to him, then doing the same for himself. "So how old are you?"

    Stiles squirted chocolate syrup on his pancakes, licking a stray bit off his finger. "Eighteen. You?"

    "Twenty-five," Derek forced out through his splitting grin. Stiles was legal - the thought sent a chill of happiness through him. He scooped out a huge pile of Nutella and spread it onto the pancakes with his finger. When he licked the Nutella off, he thought he saw Stiles stiffen, and then he looked up to see Stiles blush and then start choking on his large bite of food. Derek tried his best not to laugh, and failed, although it came out as more of an inhuman cry.

    Stiles looked up, face red from choking and probably embarrassment, and caught Derek's grin, his own face breaking out into a smile. "What? Why are you smiling at me like that? What's so funny?"

    "Would you want to go out sometime?" Derek asked abruptly, poking his pancakes with his fork nervously. His heart had fallen into his bladder and his stomach was tearing itself to pieces. He felt as if he was on the edge of a cliff, and was about to fall face-first off the edge. Did I really just ask that? It's funny how the earth never swallows you whole when you want it to.

    Stiles stared at him blankly. "Like, on a date? The romantic type?" Derek nodded uncertaintly. Stiles swallowed. "Yeah. Yes. Yes, definitely."

    Derek let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "Really?"


    "That's...That's great," Derek sighed, relieved and slightly less moritified since the answer had been yes. Stiles couldn't stop smiling now and he noticed that Derek couldn't either. There was a warm feeling in Stiles's gut that he hadn't ever felt before and it was pleasantly scary. "I need to go home and shower though."

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