Chapter One

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Chapter One

Braelyn's POV

"Brae! It's time for dinner!" My mind snaps out of the daydream I was just having and I quickly get up for dinner. Stretching slightly, I walk over to my mirror and check my hair and makeup, making sure I looked presentable. Dinner is taken very serious in this house. I run down the dark mahogany staircase into my pastel yellow living room. I see my mom standing by the front door, talking to who I'm assuming is father.

"Hello mother. What's for din-" But then I see my mom isn't talking to my dad. She's talking to some lady and who I'm guessing is her son. My eyes are immediately drawn to the boy for some reason. His deep brown eyes meet mine for a split second, before he jerks his head away. My first impression of him? Well obviously, the standard he seems like a nice, sweet guy. But there's something else. Something I can't quite put my finger on. And I don't know if it's good or bad. "Oh hi!" I wave to the pair. Then I pull my mom over to the side. "Mom... Who are they?"

"They're the Adams, sweetheart. I invited them for dinner since they just moved here. Go introduce yourself." My mom says with a smile. I nod and walk closer to the family.

"Hi... I'm Braelyn."

"That's an odd name." The boy speaks up first.

"Zac! Behave!" The woman smacks his shoulder and then turns to me and plasters a smile on her face. Zac just shrugs.

"I'm just saying mom. You don't find many Braelyn's around here." The woman waves a dismissive hand at him.

"Ignore my son. I don't know what's up with him. I'm Barbara. Nice to meet you." Barbara sticks out her hand and I shake it.

"Yeah... Right that." Zac mumbles.

"Zac!" Barbara looks at him with a shocked face. Meanwhile, I'm just standing there awkwardly, listening to them bicker.

"Sorry mom." He rolls his eyes.

"Honey! It's time for dinner get, down here." My mom thankfully comes to the rescue by calling my dad downstairs. It takes a few minutes of awkward silence until dad comes rushing down the steps and into the dining room. He places a kiss on mom's cheek.

"Sorry sweetheart, I wanted to change into something more appropriate." He then turns to Barbara and Zac. "The name's Greyson, it's a pleasure to meet you both. Where's Mr. Adams?" He asks.

"Barbara. He couldn't make it today. Problems at work." Dad nods and claps his hands.

"Alright then, shall we sit?" Everyone answers yes and we all take out places at the table, Zac sitting across from me. I start taking my food, a scoop of mashed potatoes, two pieces of steak, a scoop of Lima beans, and a bundle of asparagus.

"So... When did you guys get here?" I start up the converstaion and Barbara answers.

"Oh, just this morning dear. It's a lovely place here from what I've seen so far." I smile and nod.

"I totally agree. It really it fantastic here. You'll love it, don't worry."

"You go to Point Ridge High, right?" Zac speaks up.

"Yes. Why?" I answer while shoving a piece of steak in my mouth.

"Oh nothing. That's where I'm going and I was just wondering."

I swallow the piece and reply, "I could walk you around and help you find your classes if you want."

"N-" He starts to say but Barbara interrupts him.

"That would be wonderful, thank you."

In a loud bang, Zac pushes the chair back into the wall. He storms out of the room and up the stairs. He slams the door shut and everyone at the table looks around at each other with confused expressions, including me. But Barbara's quickly changes to embarrassment and anger. "I'm so sorry for his behavior. I don't know what's gotten into him. He's usually not this bad. I guess leaving all of his friends was hard for him." She apologizes to my mother. I stand up from my chair as well.

"I going to go up there and see what's wrong." I leave the dining room and head up the stairs to my room, where Zac seemed to have ran to. I open the door slowly, trying not to make any noise. I see him, pacing nervously across the room. "Hey..."

His head jerks up when he hears my voice and he gives me steely glare. "Why did you follow me?"

"You seemed pretty angry, I wanted to know if you were alright." I reply meekly.

"Why do you care?" Zac's voice and eyes softened a little bit, but he still looked harsh and angry.

"Aren't you supposed to?" I question, confused. I'm supposed to, it's courteous. What kind of family is he raised in?

'"Sure, but really? You care about everyone, 24/7?" He looks confused as well.

"Of course. I never learned any different. Please come back down for dinner." I plead. He drops it.

"Not until she stops answering everything for me and telling me I should watch my attitude." Zac scoffs, as if it were obvious.

"Well, you were being a little mean." I admit. "Don't you think you should be more considerate to her? This move is probably hard on her too." Anger immediately resurfaces on his features after I say that.

"That's what she thinks this is?! No, this is because you-" He wipes all expression off his face and sighs. "Nevermind."

"I what? What's wrong with me?" I put my hands on my hips defensively.

"I said nevermind." The anger flared up again in his eyes and he turned away from me.

"Tell me."

"Will you stop being so pushy? God." He turns back towards me and glares into my eyes.

"Will you come down to dinner?" I challenge, raising my eyebrows.

He sighs again. "Fine!" He plastered a fake smile on his face and put his hand out so I could leave the room before me. "Nice ass." He whispers in my ear. I turn around on a dime, a disgusted look on my face. A smirk lights up his, and I glare at him. I turn back around and walk down the stairs, trying to calm the blush on my face. How could he say something so vile? We enter the living room, met by a furious Mrs. Adams.

"There you are! Don't be so disrespectful! I thought I raised you better." Zac rolls his eyes, "Don't roll your eyes at me young man! Sit down." Zac sits down with a huff, as do I. He's so rude. For what was basically the whole meal, we all just sat there in awkward silence. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

"So... Where do you live?" I ask Barbara. She smiled at me.

"Didn't your mother tell you? We're your neighbors."

I let a look of suprise surface on my features before wiping it away, as not to seem rude. "Oh, well welcome to the neighborhood then."

"Thank you dear." Barbara smiles and pats my hand.


"It was nice meeting you!" I call out the door at the Adams, waving with a smile on my face.

"You too dear." Barbara turned around and waved back at me. I shut the door after they had been far enough away. I turned to my mother. She had a puzzled look on her face. "What's up?"

She pauses a moment. "Barbara was nice. But there's something off about that boy..."

I nod. "I agree. Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight mom, I love you." I plant a kiss on mother's cheek, who still has a concentrated scowl on her face.


'I feel the same way as you mom, the same way.' My mind is reeling as I lay in bed, thinking about Zac. What in the hell was his problem? And why am I scared that I made the wrong first impression?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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