Chapter 1

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Piper's POV

Sitting in my comfy bed, I waited for my alarm clock to sound.

beep beep beep

Quickly, I reached over and turned off the alarm not wanting to wake any of the pack members. As I got up, my black hair fell from the horrible looking bun. I just cannot get buns right! Looking around in the dark room, I made my way to the light switch. Then light illuminated the room and made my eyes sting. Blinking the feeling out of my eyes, I walked to my white dresser which held my clothes.

"Nope." I whispered shuffling the clothes around.

Finally, I pulled out a dark black tank top, gray sweater, and some black skinny jeans. Shoving the tank top and sweater on, I sighed as I thought of putting on skinny jeans. Grabbing the jeans, I finally wiggled myself into them. After I buttoned the jeans, I quickly pulled on my socks and combat boots. My phone vibrated and almost fell off the nightstand before I caught it.

Hey, meet me on the deck at 10:30 p.m.

I glanced at the caller ID and saw it was from Alpha Nicolas. Why does he want to talk to me? Whatever. Walking out of my door quietly, I heard a faint sound.

"Piper." I faintly heard.

A door creaked as it opened and a child popped her head out.

"Yeah?" I asked whispering to her.

"Where are you going? It's too early. The Alpha wouldn't want you to leave." The cute little girl whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. I'm just going for a morning walk." I reassured her.

She gave me a smile and I waved goodbye. Walking away, I tried to stay quiet so no one would notice my disappearance. Grabbing a granola bar from the kitchen, I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder.

"Morning." Alpha Nicolas said.

"Um, Morning Alpha." I replied uncomfortable with him touching me.

"Don't call me that. Just call me Nicolas." He said which made my heart sped up.

Alphas never go by their first name...

"Sorry, I gotta go." I uncomfortably said as I sped by him and walked out the door.

I thought as I walked to my favorite place to be alone.That was strange... I hated that. The other girls in the pack drool over Alpha Nicolas but I don't like him. My friends are going to think I'm crazy for running out on him like that.

Finally, I arrived at the tall tree. The grass was dry as I sat on it against the tree. Moving to a comfortable position, I felt the bark scratch my back although I didn't mind.

"Piper." A voice yelled out.

Looking around, I saw the Alpha.

"Uh, yeah?" I yelled back to make sure he heard me.

He started running towards me and I quickly got up from my spot underneath the tree. Starting to run, I looked down at the ground and then back at Alpha Nicolas.

"Piper, I just want to talk." He yelled but gently.

I stopped in my tracks and realized he won't hurt me.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

He made his way towards me and there was just an awkward silence between us.

"Piper, I'm sorry if I scared you." He finally said breaking the silence.

"Um, okay." I said not knowing where the conversation was going.

"Piper, you are beautiful and I would love to have you as my wife." He said while he got on his knee.

Oh shit.

"Piper, will you marry me?" He asked me.

"Um, Alpha... I don't like you in that way." I said hoping I wouldn't be punished.

"Piper, your father is letting me. He gave me his blessing. You will be an amazing luna." He said to me trying to convince me.

"No, I'm sorry." I replied again nervously.

"You have to. I don't want it to come to this." He said with a frown.

"No, um Alpha... I don't like men." I said waiting for a reaction since I've never told anyone.

His face had no emotion... it's like I broke his heart. I felt horrible but I can't marry him.

"I can change you." He said so desperately.

"Sorry, that's not how it works." I replied awkwardly.

"Yes, Piper. You will love me and marry me." Alpha Nicolas sternly argued.

He gave a weak smile and grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry. You're not my mate. Ask any other girl in the pack. They will marry you." I advised.

"Piper, I don't want them. I want you." The Alpha creepily answered.

"Sorry, I can't." I replied.

He frowned and his beta walked up next to him.

"Plan B!" He yelled to his beta.

The beta nodded and pulled out a needle.

"Um, no thanks." I blurted.

Beta Dominic shook his head and pulled off the top of the needle. I knew what was happening and I ran. Running through the forest, I knew I would have to shift sooner or later. Going behind a tree, I ducked behind a bush. I started to take off my clothes because they are the only clothes I have right now and I don't want to be naked later. Once my clothes were off, quickly shifted.

"There she is!" Beta Dominic yelled pointing at my wolf.

Quickly, I snatched the clothes in my mouth and ran far. Looking back, the Alpha and Beta also shifted as they ran after me. They weren't too close to me so I ran as fast as I possibly could to try to lose them.

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