Chapter 18- More Like A Really Dramatic Episode of The Bold and the Beautiful

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Chapter 18- More Like A Really Dramatic Episode of The Bold and the Beautiful

Do you ever just wake up and think, huh, this day is just gonna suck so hard?

Because that’s exactly what I did the following day on Friday morning as I lie motionlessly in my bed, my ears still ringing from the loud sound of my analog alarm clock. Since I’m still phoneless, I had to break out my old alarm clock and use it to get up on time this morning and I guess I’d just forgotten how obnoxiously loud it really is.

Usually, I’m really, really happy on Fridays because I mean, you know, everyone in happy on Fridays. But not today, I’m not. I do get to go back to school today though, so I guess that’s pretty cool. It’s better than sitting here in this house all day, staring at the walls and having to listen to your boyfriend’s (who says that he’s actually not your boyfriend) red carpet interview that they keep playing on TMZ, E! and all of those other stupid celebrity gossip shows.

God, I just hate people so, so much.

I haven’t spoken to Mason since our argument over the phone yesterday and I have no plans to call him. Not today, at least. Maybe tomorrow if I’ve calmed down a little bit because I know that if I were to call him right now, we’d get into an even bigger argument and then we’d be yelling and I’ll probably just break up with him out of spite. Like I said, I’m glad to be going back to school today but I’m also kind of dreading it. I mean, I already know that people will be talking once they see me. Maybe You is a really, really popular movie and I know that a lot of the people at my school are gonna see it so I’m willing to bet that they watched the premiere and therefore saw my picture on the television and heard Mason basically saying I’m beneath him and how he’s just so out of my league and whatnot. I know he didn’t technically say that but it was clearly implied.

As if that’s not bad enough, I’m not even gonna have Clark there with me to help me throughout the day. She’s still in Cape Cod, which is really like, the worst thing ever. We Skyped last night for about three hours and she told me that she’s sure that by today it’ll blow over and no one at school will even care. I think we both knew that wasn’t true and that she was only trying to make me feel better. She failed though. I know that Holland won’t be there though on account of her suspension being a couple of days longer than mine since she’s the one that started the whole thing. So, basically, I’m gonna be all alone and friendless today. Super.

“Aria, are you awake?” My mother suddenly calls, knocking lightly on the other side of my closed bedroom door.

“Yeah, mom, I’m up,” I confirm with an inaudible sigh. I thought that once she knew that I was up, she’d just walk away and go do whatever it is that she does in the morning time, but she doesn’t. Instead, I hear the bedroom doorknob twisting and then it swings open and my mother walks in, dressed in her fancy work attire which consists of a black pencil skirt that goes down like, two inches below her knees, a white button up blouse and a pair of black pumps. I can’t stand my mother about 97% of the time but they lady’s got style, I’ll give her that much.

“I need your car keys,” She informs me suddenly, flipping my light switch on without any warning.

“Ah!” I squeal, immediately pulling my covers up over my head to shield my eyes from the incandescent and way-to-bright sunlight as it fills my bedroom. “Why do you want my car keys?” I ask her, my voice hoarse seeing as how I just woke up not even fifteen minutes ago.

“Because you’re not driving today,” My mom simply supplies. “How do I know you’ll even go to school if I let you drive?” She asks.

“Mom,” I groan with a heavy sigh, my covers still covering my head. “I am not gonna skip school today—  I promise,” I murmur.

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