Meeting Liam: 28 Days Before

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Chapter One: Meeting Liam: 28 Days Before

I smiled as the crowd lurched forward against the barricade, driving me three feet closer to my favorite band. This was it, the time I lived for. As the music encompassed me, my smile broadened. I nodded my head to the beat of the music, as the lead singer of Kill Scott sang out the lyrics of “Simple Love”. It was one of the few songs that I didn’t really like by them, but I didn’t care, in this moment it wasn’t about which music, it was just about the music. Everyone was there for the same reason, and I loved it. So many people all enjoying the same thing, no one cared who you were, or what kind of clothes you wore, or who your friends are, or weather or not you have a boyfriend, for this night you were their friends, just based on the fact you were here. 

I fingered the edge of my newly bought tour shirt. I loved the way they felt, all worn out from being lugged around for an entire tour. I looked up as the singer finished the song. He announced that they we’re going to take a break, and so I headed over to the concession stand. 

“One coke, “ I ordered “and a pretzel.”  The guy behind the counter, Gregg according to his name-tag, handed me my order. 

“Thanks Gregg,” I said casually. He looked me surprised, until I pointed to his name-tag. We both laughed. I turned around as I laughed, and bumped into someone, and before I knew what was happening, I had spilled my coke all over this kid’s t-shirt.  Great, I thought. 

“Look, I’m really sorry,” I apologized.

“It’s fine,” he said, but I wasn’t sure if he meant it or not.

“No I’m really sorry,” I said it again to make sure he knew I was sincere.

“Hey it’s fine,” he said. Did he sound annoyed? Maybe it was just me.

“Are you sure, I’m Samantha by the way, thought you should know the name of the person who just ruined you shirt,” I said and he laughed. Okay so he wasn’t annoyed, at least not anymore.

“No, it’s fine. I’m Liam” he replied.

“Do you need some paper towels or something?”  I asked.

“Yeah that’d be great,” he answered. 

“Okay,” I said and ran to the girl’s bathroom to go get some. 


Liam was a really nice guy. We spent the rest of the concert together, nodding our heads and jumping up and down in sync to the music and each other. Afterwards we spent an hour outside the door of the stage waiting for the band to come out, so I could get my picture with them, and so he could get his CD copy signed. Its amazing how well you can get to know someone when all you are doing is standing around in the cold that only exists at 2 in the morning. The kind of cold that creeps up inside you, and hugs your bones. It was the kind of cold that made Liam give me his sweatshirt, and after he had I still got as close to him as possible. He put his arm around me and moved his hand up and down my arm in a vain attempt to try and keep me warm, which, although it seamed pointless, actually did warm me up, but in a different way. In that “Oh someone actually cares weather I’m warm or not,” which makes you warmer then any jacket ever could. After we met the band, I said goodbye to Liam and turned to walk home.

“Where’d you park your car? I’ll walk you back,” he said, and I could tell he actually wanted to and wasn’t just being polite.

“Oh, um I walked here,” I replied.

“Then let me give you I ride,” he suggested. 

“Uh, okay” 

He took my hand and led me to his car. It was only a few blocks down, but it was in the opposite direction of my house and probably the same distance. I didn’t really care though, the way Liam talked I could listen to him for hours. When we reached the car, he actually went around to the other side and opened the door for me. Hmm, I thought, I guess chivalry isn’t dead.  I got in the car and he closed the door, went around to his side. He got in and started the car, and then he leaned over and turned the radio on, and switched to CD mode.  Suddenly the lyrics of one of my favorite songs was being blasted throughout the car. 

“You like Accident Drive too?” I asked incredulously, could this kid really like almost all the same music as me?

“Yeah,” he said, “They’re amazing.”

And then we were quiet.

Well quiet as you can be when you’re listening to some of the best music ever. We didn’t actually say anything, just listened, but it wasn’t awkward it was perfect. After about 10 minutes I realized something. We were headed in the wrong direction. 

“Umm, Liam,” I said

“Yeah?” he asked.

“My house is the other way,” I say.

“Oh,” he says laughing at himself. He pulled into a parking lot and turns the car around.

“So, where is your house?” I asked.

“20 South Easton Road,” I answer.

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