Big Boomer

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   All night long Big Boomer the kangaroo, has been grazing. Slowly walking on all fours he wandered around selecting the tastiest shoots of grass. Every now and then he stood up straight, to survey his surroundings. Coming to a small meandering creek, Big Boomer stooped for a long drink. Overhead a flock of five Galahs wheeled and swooped, chattering on their merry way. After grabbing a few more mouthfuls of luscious greenery he continued on. He hopped up and a small rocky outcrop. Selecting a shady tree he lay down to rest for the day. Up here the tree will shade him and cool breezes blow even when the sun burns hot.

   Away down in the valley, two hounds were out hunting on their own. After a short chase they soon lost track of the kangaroos they were chasing. Barking with glee they chased a rabbit down its burrow. Then off they went after a Magpie, with a squawk of alarm it flew away. Soon all the wild creatures were gone except for many birds who stayed in trees crying danger to all. With nothing else left to chase, the hounds took to tracking any exciting scents.

    Zig-zagging far and wide both hounds soon caught separate kangaroo trails. After much baying and confusion they settled down to following just one trail. Following Big Boomer's trail took them all over the valley. Back and forth it crisscrossed through mazes left by other kangaroos. By baying to each other the hounds somehow managed to stay on his trail.

   Blue Faced Honeyeaters gave their shrill, whistle-like calls, joined by raucous Apostlebirds and a Butcher Bird all sounding the alarm. Flying from tree to tree, they followed along scolding the dogs mercilessly. Big Boomer stilled, listening to the commotion. Soon the dogs hit the base of the hill, rapidly climbing. Finally they rounded a rock coming in sight of Big Boomer.

   Barking and growling they lunged forward with new energy. But Big Boomer was ready for them, he took off with great leaps and bounds. Leading them ever upward on the rocky slopes. Trying to throw them off in the underbrush. Then over large boulders.

    Next Big Boomer jumped up a vertical rock face, pausing to watch the dogs. Right to the base of the small cliff they came. Barking and growling they stood and glared up at Big Boomer. On one side of the cliff a narrow, leaf-filled trench extended to the very top. Up this the dogs scrambled, slipping in their hurry on the leaves. After several goes they reached the top.

    But Big Boomer was off and away, taking them on a wild goose chase around a rock on top of the cliff. After a while he tired of the game, so he jumped back down to the bottom of the cliff. Here he waited for the dogs to clamber down, but when they got down, he jumped straight back up again.

     Soon Big Boomer jumped right to the very highest point of rock. With no way to climb this rock the dogs soon lost interest. For a while the big kangaroo surveyed his homeland, then he hopped away to find another cool retreat.

 On the side you can see a photo of the rocky outcrop where this chase occured. Hope you ejoyed this story. Tell me what you think. :)

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