Chapter 3

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I couldn't believe what I had seen. The letter vanished no where to be found, it hadnt been blown off the edge of the dresser. It was nomwhere to be found. I searched for an hour. It really did get taken. I wonder if other people can communicate with their loved ones. Maybe there is an angel mailman.

It was probably going to take a while for her to write me back. If she even could. I decided to think about something else for a while. I wondered, did I have any other friends besides Eva? Well there was Taylor, she was okay but I wasn't really sure if she liked me. I'm think she only hangs around me because of Skylar. Oh my wonderful Skylar. He was one of the most popular kids in our school. Then after Eva died he started to talk to me.

I remember the day he first talked to me. It was a cloudy day, I knew a storm was coming. It was the perfect day for the saddest day of my life, Eva's funeral. I wept through the entire thing. By the end my face was beet red, my eyes puffy, and tears streaming down my face. A hand touched my shoulder. I looked back to see the last person I would've guessed. It was Skylar Jacobson. He was the captin football and basketball team. Also, he was the most well liked and popular guy at our school. Why did he come up to me?

"Weren't you super close to Eva?"

"Yeah. We were kind of best friends." I said snarkily. Everyone should know this we were inseparable

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't know Eva that well but our parents were friends. She was such a sweet girl."

"Thanks." Right after that it started to rain. The weather man said clear skies that day so I didn't even bring an umbrella.

Skylar opened his umbrella and put it over the two of us. That was the moment I knew I was in love with him .

I fell asleep thinking about him. His perfect jawline that I swear could cut cheese. The way his hair swept perfectly across the top of his face. His perfectly white and straight smile, that you know must've taken years of braces. Don't even get me started on his eyes, everytime you look at them you get lost at sea.

Why would I fall for him? He's uterly perfect and would NEVER feel the same way about me. His charm could sweep a girl off his feet, though. It was hard not to fall for him. That's probably why every girl in the school has a crush on him.

I woke up from my deep slumber feeling very panicked. I hadn't done my homework last and I was going to be very late for school. Seeing as it was already 9:30am and school started an hour ago. Then I remembered, it's Saturday. So that was my blonde moment of the day.

I checked the top of my dresser and nothing! I was beginning to lose hope and when hope is lost you eat food. At least, that was my life moto. Well it did work last time with my mothers magic mac n' cheese. I strolled into the kitchen, smile on my face.

"What's for breakfast?" my mom asked when I came in. Since, the only thing my mom could cook was mac n' cheese, I made most meals.

"I'm thinking waffles and bacon." I answered.

"That is my favorite."

"Me too!"

I made the bacon first then whipped the waffle batter together. While the waffles were cooking I got a text from Skylar.

Skylar: What are you doing today?

Me: IDK. I was going to read take a nap. Maybe watch some Netflix if I get board. I also got some Algebra homework to do.

Skylar: Man ur life is boring!Lets go to the mall or see a movie.

Me: Fine but then I'll have to cut out my nap. Im blaming u if i get tired.

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