Au Revoir Mon Amour (Hak x Reader)

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Hak wasn't a man who felt sadness for a long time. He never thought that he'd be feeling some sort of... imbalance over your departure. The two of you had spoken about it for months and, towards the last few weeks, you had reminded him over and over that he was going to be okay.

And he thought he was alright.

Until he felt the emptiness.

The apartment felt hollow now, everything familiar seemed peculiar before his eyes. The couch that always looked so comfortable and welcoming now sat there dead and untouched. The kitchen that always carried the warm scent of pancakes and hot chocolates was now filled with boxed meals and frozen food.

The bedroom.

He had argued with you the first time. Moving in was one thing. Sleeping in one room and one bed was another. Though, you won in the end. You always did. He could never say no to you. He sighed and padded over to the bedroom. Slipping under the covers, he heard his phone ring and quickly snatched it up from the dresser.

God he was desperate. He missed you terribly and it has only been a week. Only 78 more days to go. He took a deep breath and answered softly, "Hi."

"Hi, Hak." You smiled. "How are you doing? You eating well? Stop eating frozen food and cook like you did before. Lunchables aren't food."

Of course the first thing you'd do was check on his health. A low chuckle escaped his lips as he leaned back, drinking in your voice. How he's missed it. "I'm surviving. I'll learn to cook better someday."

"You should learn to cook now and eat some proper food."

"It's late."

"Oh right. Were you about to sleep?"

His lips twitched at your concern and disappointment. "No. I was waiting for your call. I thought you might be busy today."

"Never too busy to call you, love." You whispered. You missed him. But you couldn't let him know that. Otherwise one way or another, he'd probably convince you to come back home. But you had to go on this trip for your future.

Love wasn't something he wanted to be called but he couldn't really say no to you. Not when you said it with the sweetest voice. Not when you said it with the softest eyes. "Thank you," he smiled.

"Take care of yourself, okay?"

"I am, don't worry. You too. Drink lots of water okay. The heat is terrible there."

"I know. I've always got a bottle with me."

"What time is it there anyway?"

"It's 7 AM now." You replied, staring out as the sun began to rise upon the horizon.

At the same time, Hak watched the sun disappear as the stars began to twinkle in the sky. The sky faded from orange and pink to black and blue. He snorted. It was as if it was mocking the distance, the atmosphere in the house. "That's quite early."

"It is. You should go to sleep."

"It's not even my bedtime."

"Do you want me to sing you to sleep? Or read you a bedtime story?" You cooed teasingly.

Hak rolled his eyes, "Still immature, I see."

"But you love me anyway."

He paused, "I do."

Another pause. "I love you too."

"I love you more."


The dreaded feeling sunk into the pits of his stomach once more. The goodbye was always the worst. "That's my ride. I have to go."

"Alright. Have fun, be safe."

"Always. I'll talk to you soon, Hak. Bye."

And the line went dead.

And you were gone.

And that was the last time.

The last time he spoke to you.



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~Zuki <3

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