Just another day?

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Frisk wakes up in the same lumpy bed, the one she had come to terms with as her "favorite bed". "Pffff more like only bed I will ever have", she says, regretting ever asking for this one. Frisk sluggishly flops off the bed onto her floor, for what Sans calls "Giving the carpet a hug". "Heh, he probably uses this excuse for every-thing." And she ment EVERYTHING too. Frisk and Papyrus would typically find sans lying face down on Toriels floor each morning, with something in his eye. He would never tell them what it was...it was like...he was avoiding something. "Welp...Better go poke lazy-bones before Papyrus", she says as she clumsily stumbles over to the door. Unbeknownst to her, her cloths were covered in some sort of...ash. She didn't think anything of it at the time, as she was too busy hobbling down the stairs to wake Sans. "Hey Bu-",Sans's eyes widen when he sees Frisk. His fingers twitch uncontrollably. "~Yawn~ Morning Sans"  She says, while opening the fridge door. Sans's hand twitches again "H-Hey K-Kiddo...W-Whats that on your shirt?" His voice is trembling in what sounds like a mix of pure rage and agony. "Huh? This stuff? I dunno" She says, not even taking notice of Sans's shift in tone. His eye starts to burn with blue rage "You sure kid? Cuz' that looks a lot like monster dust" His smile starts to shrink. "W-WHAT?!" She drops the bottle of ketchup and milk that she was holding onto the floor, and ketchup is splattered onto the the floor. Sans's hand glows " 'WHAT' Isn't a answer kid." She levitates into the air. "S-SANS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She screams as she tries to break free of the blue aura that surrounds her. 


   Sans raises his hand quickly, slamming Frisk into the ceiling "WELL KID?" Tears form in Frisks eyes "S-SANS I-I DON'T KNOW!" She studders in pain. Sans lowers his hand slowly. "You sure about that Kid? That stuff doesn't just appear for no reason..." He says, trailing off in deep thought. Frisk whimpers, "S-Sans I promise, I d-don't know how this happened". Sans reluctantly snaps his fingers, and the aura vanishes. Sans covers his eyes with his hand, and slides his hand down and off his face ". . . H-Heh . . . Looks like your gonna have to KETCHUP on your cleaning Frisk" he points to the ketchup, that is covering the kitchen floor. Frisk props herself up on her knee and starts to stand up. Her figure changes for mere seconds...but Sans sees something...strange. 


For a few seconds...Frisk didn't look like Frisk. Sans was sure of it...that Frisk...that They...were not in control anymore. "So Kiddo...How late were you up last night? You sound like ya are still a bit tired..." Frisk nods slowly "I am tired...But I went to bed so early though...I-It doesn't make sense!" Sans looks away. He has a sinking feeling in his stomach that Frisk.....They....were up killing. "H-Heh yeah, I know how that feels kid! I'm really TIRED of it too" He says, turning back to face her...but her face blurs...and he sees something else staring right back at him...right at his soul. "A-Are you alright Sans?" Frisk asks, genuinely concerned for her skeleton buddy. Sans backs away "Y-Yeah Kiddo...I-I'm fine" his eye burns blue again. "Sans...Whats wrong with your eye?" She tries to get closer. Sans lifts his hand and pushes her back with his aura "N-Nothing kid...Its just that the ketchup is gonna stain the floor now" Frisk turns ". . .Oh." She walks over to the ketchup and starts to clean it up...but her shadow doesn't follow. Sans looks down at the floor in-front of him...and something stares back with a unholy grin. Sans steps back...and the shadow follows him. With each shaky step the shadow gets closer...until San's back is against the wall. A hand reaches out from the darkness, and tries to grasp San's leg. "SANS!" Frisk lunges at Sans from the side, knocking him out of the way. The hand grabs hold of Frisk. "F-FRISK!" Sans tries to use his aura power to pull Frisk out of the shadows grip...but he can't. "S-SANS! H-Help me...I-I'm scared..." She starts to tear up. "I-I'm sorry Frisk" Sans slowly backs away from her. Frisk cries helplessly as the darkness oozes up from her legs to her head "S-Sans...Plea-" She is cut off. 


Sans falls to his knees. "K-Kiddo?" Sans voice is trembling and tears are starting to form in his eyes. "C-Common kiddo, you're just messing with me...right?" Sans desperately tries to find ANY sign of life, but finds nothing until the darkness starts to shake. Sans wipes the tears from his face "H-Heh not funny at all kiddo, knock it off already" 



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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