Chapter 13

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The forest was still and silent as I made my way through it; the only loud sound was my footsteps stepping on the leaf covered forest ground. I was thinking back to what happened a few mere seconds ago. My life was never normal , not since James saved my life from a group of rogue blood thirsty blood suckers and my best friend turned into something that is now a mere legend; but I was as normal as a girl in my situation could be. I moved on with my life, accepting the fact that one day I would die and that the people that i was the closest with would possibly live forever. 

But now...things would be different. I wouldn't just be the friend of a vampire; who knew what I could do? My whole life changed because of simple decisions I made years ago...maybe if I had never decided to go out that night I would have never met James, if I hadn't got us lost, Claira would have never become a monster that people see her to be. My life would have been normal if not for the stupidity of my younger self; I would have led a life like everyone else; oblivious to the dangers that surrounded us all day in and day out; not knowing that all the legends of monsters - blood sucking demons and shape shifting animals told to scare little children into behaving were in fact very real, and that our fates were intertwined with theirs.

Is that what I really wanted though...a normal life? As much as I want to say yes I know that the answer is in fact no. The guilt and regret of my friend being a vampire because of my actions ate at my conscious every time I talked to her; but as selfish as I may sound, I couldn't imagine my life any other way. The thought of every day of my life being different, unexpected and full of danger should terrify me, but just thinking about it made my heart thump louder and my blood rush even faster through my veins. 

This was one of the main differences between me and Bella; we were always different as children. Bella was always the quiet one, even though she was older I was always more confident, I was louder and people noticed me more than they did Bella; she was sensible, she made the right decisions, she never did anything rash or anything that might cause her any troubles. I was a wild child as Charlie called me, always somehow getting into trouble and managing to drag Bella into it. However, now our roles seem to have changed, I came to Forks not expecting to find anything nearly as interesting as my life on a daily basis, travelling around the world meeting new people- or should I say Vampires. Yet here I am now, finding out my sister was in fact dating a vampire and realising that my three closest friends were terrorizing an entire town. 

A loud slam rung in my ears, snapping me out of my long train of thoughts; they must have started the game without me, I thought to myself with a smirk. I stepped out of the forest, slightly out of breath, with a flushed face and tear stained cheeks. I wrapped my over sized jacket tightly around me, feeling much colder after sitting in a dark empty forest for a while. I reached the Cullen's just as I saw Blondie giving Bella a glare that seemed to pierce through her soul. I made my way towards them and as soon as Blondie saw me, the Cullen's stopped their game and gathered around me giving me comforting looks, even Blondie gave me a sympathetic smile and I gave her one back; we didn't exactly get off on the best foot but I only just got here, and I didn't want to make enemies with Edward's family straight away. I studied her face and let out a small shaky sigh of relief, realising that her face was back to perfection, there wasn't a single sign to show that there was a large crack in it a short while ago. I then turned to face Bella who was already jogging towards me, and I placed my head on her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me. 

Bella's POV

I was watching Edward and his family in amazement, as they moved with great speed and gracefulness around the pitch; I wondered if I would ever be able to move like that even if I was a vampire. However, watching the game only distracted me for so long, my thoughts of Christine didn't go away. We weren't as close as we used to be but we were still sisters; we looked out for each other and I couldn't stop blaming myself for what happened to her, if she never met Rosalie she wouldn't have gotten angry and none of this would have happened. But I couldn't do anything about it now, I had no choice but to trust Edward and Alice and hope that nothing had happened to her. We continued with the game, and as soon as it started I received a glare from Rosalie when I announced her being out. Just then i saw Rosalie's head snap towards the direction behind me and there I saw Christine walking towards us. She didn't look as she usually did, she looked like a mess with tear stained cheeks and knotted hair underneath her cap. I felt the rest of the Cullen's speeding towards us as I jogged towards my sister, and hugging onto her tightly.     

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