One Mistake Can Cost Someone's Life

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There he sits. Myles Erlick, alone, with his head in his palms, salty tears trickle down his face like a stream flowing in the summer. This can't be real, he thinks to himself sadly, I can't believe this is my fault! What have I done?
He groans a little, in annoyance at what he's done, and thinking about the consequences. The old lady sitting next to him glances at him with a look as if he's some sort of person with a mental problem! Of course, if you can't tell, he is sitting in a waiting room, in a hospital. Soon, if his fate ends badly, he could be placed in a police cell.
"What?" he snaps at her, making the little woman look away and let out a small sigh.
At this current moment, Myles decides, in his head, that the ground may as well swallow him up right now. He's so upset, that he couldn't even think straight. She has to be ok, please let her be ok! he yells inside his head, making the clear crystals fall out of his eyes even more. I can't believe I did this. Does this make me a monster?
"Myles Erlick," a male voice begins, instantly making the seventeen year old turn his head towards where the voice is coming from, revealing his panicked face, "I'm afraid that the damage you did is too severe."
"No!" Myles screams, jumping out of his seat and taking a good look at the man in front of him- a doctor, "No! No! She can't be gone!"
"Look, sir, what you did payed a price. You can't take it back! She's gone, I'm sorry."
"Can I at least see her? One last time?"
"If you're sure that you want to, but the police will be informed shortly. You may as well wait here until they come, there isn't going to be a trial. That's what I was told if she dies, and she has. They said that speeding is illegal anyway, and what you did proves why it's illegal. I can't believe you'd do this to such an innocent girl."
And with that, the doctor walks away, leaving Myles in an ocean of tears. Not only has he killed his girlfriend, but the only future that he'll have is one behind bars.
Taking a deep breath, which fails as he is shaky enough as it is, Myles begins to take short strides towards the door where the doctor came from. There aren't any windows, suggesting that what's in there isn't something that should be seen by the public.
With one last tear dripping down his soft cheek, he places his hand on the door knob, slowly twisting it open. But, he closes his eyes, as soon as the door opens, not even seeing what lies before him. You can't cry again, just pretend it isn't her, he thinks before opening his eyes, turning around and shutting the door.
It's at that moment when he realises that this will be the last chance he gets to see her, his girlfriend, Briar, the girl he unintentionally killed. So, he takes one last deep breath and turns back around, facing away from the door.
     The sight that's before him shocks him, greatly. Did I really cause this? he thinks, tearing up again, just looking at the girl's body. Her blonde hair is tangled, but spread out around her head like the sun shinning, except she is far from shinning. As pale as a ghost, her face has no expression, but is filled with cuts, and a severe one down her forehead, looking like a huge crack in her skull. Ragged and torn, her white t-shirt is still on her, Myles' favourite. On her legs, blue jeans, which are now ripped practically all over, revealing a large gash in her right leg, and a large area of raw flesh on her left.
     "Bri," Myles says, choking on his tears, making his voice crack, "I'm sorry. I'm so so so so so so sorry. I deserve how many years I'm sentenced to. I know that everyone will hate me now, and I don't blame them. If I hadn't skipped that red light then- ugh! I'm such an idiot! I can't believe I've done this! You didn't deserve this! Why? Why did this happen? Why was I so stupid? Why didn't I just stop at the light?"
Realising he left his house late, Myles speeds through the streets of Toronto in his blue Mercedes. If I'm late, Allain is going to kill me! he thinks, accidentally skipping a stop sign, making a car stop and beep at him.
"Sorry!" he yells out his window at the angry looking driver who had to stop for him.
But that doesn't stop Myles from zooming along the road. Knowing that he was late to dance yesterday and Allain told him that he'd be kicked off the trio if he is late again, Myles isn't really thinking straight. I have to get to dance, I can't get kicked off Lost Love!
Soon enough, he arrives at a set of traffic lights, just before a bridge. Ugh, he thinks as he slows down. Slows down, but not stopping. No one ever comes anyway, if I skip it, no harm will be caused, he thinks, immediately speeding up so quickly that he was gone in a second, and he started driving up the bridge's steep road.
However, half way up, another car appears in sight, so close to Myles' car that they're almost touching. That car isn't speeding, but Myles' is, in fear of being late.
     Realising what's about to happen, Myles attempts to swerve around, but it's too late. CRASH! His car has already driven into the other, causing it to roll onto its side, and sends Myles' car backwards slightly, but he manages to stop.
     Just as Myles is about to get out to see if the driver is ok, he hears the driver scream- a girl's scream, a scream he recognises. Briar! he screams in his head, making him sprint towards the car.
     But, when he's halfway there, he realises that her engine is still on, and her wheels are still spinning. Quickly, he yells, "Briar, stay calm!" But that doesn't stop her screaming.
     He's almost there when the car, suddenly, begins to fall- it begins to fall over the edge of the bridge, crushing the fence that is supposed to stop stuff like this from happening, but clearly it doesn't work.
     "No!" Myles screams as he sees his girlfriend's car tumble off the bridge, with her in it, landing with a large crash and shattering parts into pieces, making Myles run to the edge, and hears Briar's screams come to a hault. His heart instantly breaks. What have I done?
     "I'm truly sorry, my love," he whispers, letting his tears flow down his cheeks, dripping onto Briar's ghostly looking face as he places one last soft kiss on her cheek, "but why were you going back?"
     Suddenly, the door flings open, revealing two large policemen, looking angry and sad at the same time. Seeing them, Myles begins to panic and yells, "No! Don't let me leave her! No! Briar please wake up, please!"
     By now, his tears are flowing like Niagara Falls, and the policemen are beginning to walk towards him, grabbing an arm of his each, dragging him away from his beloved lost one.
     "NO!" Myles screams, flailing around in their grip frantically, "DON'T LET ME LEAVE HER! BRIAR NO!"
     It's around now that what is going to happen to Myles sinks into his brain. So, he doesn't stop screaming and struggling, looking at the dead body of Briar.
    Unable to control Myles, one of the policemen gets his taser out, and shocks Myles. That's when he instantly falls to the ground, hitting his head quite hard on the floor, causing him to black out.
     When he wakes up, he finds himself in a white room, lying on the cold floor of it. On the door there's a small box, which, he guesses, can be only slid open. Where am I? he thinks, Oh yeah, a police cell, for the rest of my life I guess.
     Later on, Myles found out (by a policeman) that Briar was driving back to her house after finding out that dance had been cancelled that day. Allain had sent him a text, but he didn't bother to pull over and check his phone when he heard it 'ping'. So, he didn't need to be in a rush, he didn't need to be speeding. Briar's death could have been prevented.....
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed that one shot! I know it isn't really showing love, but it kind of is! I hope this wasn't too....horrifying? I guess you can call this as a 'message to anyone who reads this' chapter, to be safe when driving. I mean, I can't drive (duh), I'm not even a teenager! But, this kind of shows you what could happen. Anyway, the idea came to me for this chapter and I wrote it! Hope you enjoyed it! These will be better than my 'Nochelle One Shots'. Let's be honest, they sucked! I thought it would be fair to do a Nochelle and Bryles one shots, so here you go! This won't be updated too often, just when I get another idea. Be sure to check out my other books if you haven't already! Bye ❤️

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